66 • Promise

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when I tell you I endlessly adored the outfits in Black On Black 

• Chapter 66 

Chenle looked up at the ceiling with worry. 

"He didn't scold me yet," he whispered anxiously. His eyes fell down to Ten who was busy cleaning the bloody wound on the boy's abdomen. "Don't you think that's bad? It must be bad." 

"Do you want him to scold you?" Ten asked in return, too unbothered to keep his voice down and too lazy to look up at the Chenle who was busy throwing hesitant glances at Jisung. 

The three of them, with Ten and Chenle sitting on chairs in the corner of the room and Jisung leaning against the doorframe, head tilted to the side as he was watching the door to his own room, were in the guest bedroom. 

After getting back, Doyoung had brought Cho-a to Jisung's room. He made sure to kick everyone out. Even Renjun, who was in the living room where Taemin was taking care of his leg, wasn't let inside. 

The only one that was allowed to enter was Kun, who arrived just moments later.

Jisung tapped his finger against his arm nervously. 

"You let me clean the wound on your head but there's still blood on your head and neck," Ten said to the youngest, yet kept his eyes on Chenle as he worked. "Go wash up." 

"I'm waiting for Doyoung," Jisung mumbled in return. 

"Do you think he will allow you to go in there if you look like that?" Ten retorted. "Just hurry now or he will make you do it later." 

"He's not my boss," the youngest said, sounding a little pouty. "And neither are you." 

Ten closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath. He was trying really hard to be understanding because he knew this was a stressful situation for him.

But still.

So, for a moment, he looked away from Chenle and turned his head to look at Jisung. 

"Alright," Ten began, voice strong this time - and more sarcastic too. "Then, my dear king, please ask yourself what your beloved Cho-a would say if she saw you looking all dishevelled and bloody. I bet she would love that." 

Clenched jaw, Jisung frowned as he turned to look at Ten. "Don't drag her into this." 

"What?" the older one asked, almost surprised. "You act as if you don't know that I am right." 

Hesitating, Jisung rolled his eyes and huffed before he pushed himself away from the doorframe. 
"You are annoying." 

"Likewise," Ten retorted but quickly added an overly polite and still very sarcastic, "my king." 

Choosing to ignore him, Jisung left for the bathroom. He glimpsed at the door to his room anxiously when he passed it but didn't stop. 

Meanwhile, Chenle's anxiety rose. 

"I just want him to say something," he admitted. "I can't tell what he is thinking when he's like this." 

Ten sighed. He wasn't surprised by this, he wasn't surprised by where his mind went. If he were him, he might have even had the same thoughts. 

"He has nothing to say," Ten told him. "It's been a long day. His wannabe parent figures almost died because of him. His best friend got stabbed and his girlfriend is unconscious." 

He made eye contact for just a second with the distressed looking boy before he turned his attention back to the wound that he then started to suture carefully. 

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