16 • Popcorn

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• Chapter 16 

Jisung sat across Taemin, feet propped up on his desk whereas the older one was resting comfortably in the armchair across him. 

"I don't really like it when others meddle in my business," the younger one stated, eyes on the older one who watched him carefully. 

There was a lack of tension yet a lot of reciprocal curiosity that built up between them. 

"How was I supposed to know that you knew them?" Taemin asked lazily, tone almost a little cheeky. "Had I known that they were your friends I wouldn't even have thought of getting near them and you know that." 

Indeed, Jisung knew. This whole thing, even though it didn't quite look like it, was nothing more than a misunderstanding. 

Taemin stood behind Jisung. He was protective and a good friend. Loyal even though a little arrogant at times.

"Why would you try to kill two random boys anyway."

"I wasn't trying to kill them, I was trying to abduct them, Jisung," Taemin defended casually as if that made it any better. The younger one raised a brow.

"You aren't doing yourself a favour here." 

Sighing, Taemin leaned forward, elbows pressed into his thighs. 
"Look, the sole reason why I tried to get close to them was to help you," he explained, even though Jisung had trouble understanding. "There are rumours going around about these boys and about the other one too." 

Rumours? That was something Jisung didn't know about. He wasn't too interested in them in the first place, usually they provided no valid proof, were just pure speculations.

But this one was interesting.

Rumours about Jeno and Jaemin.

And rumours about them.

The one person every grim reaper and every guardian angel was looking for.

"What rumours?"

Taemin tilted his head to the side, yet another overly dramatic sigh leaving his mouth.
"Where to start?" he asked the air around him, smirking at how done Jisung looked.

"Just tell me."

"Well, okay boss," Taemin agreed. "Rumour has it that the reason these boys are able to see grim reapers in the first place is because of our mystery person. It's said that the three of them are working together to overthrow the king-"

Which was roughly when an amused laugh crawled up Jisung's throat. He snort-laughed awkwardly but whole-heartedly as he looked at Taemin in disbelief.

"Jaemin and Jeno want to overthrow me?"

"Well that's the rumour."

"Yeah okay," the younger one mumbled, dismissing it right away. "And are there rumours about the other one too?"

The older one sat there, still as he thought of an answer. He shrugged, leaned back.

"There's not much on them," he said. "Just that they are cruel and cold-hearted and, which is fun, out for revenge."


Jisung grew to hate a word that couldn't be connected to him. Revenge taken on him for things his father had done. Things he wasn't responsible for. It made no sense to him so, quite frankly, he wasn't interested in it.

So he nodded and tried to put all these little puzzle pieces together. As he was doing so he barely noticed the way Taemin's eyes held so much curiosity.

He was nosy.

"It's your turn," he said. "That girl - who is she?"

A soft oh floated past Jisung's barely parted lips.

"Cho-a?" he questioned as if he was asking himself. "Just some girl. I haven't quite figured her out yet," he admitted.

"She isn't human though, she is way too strong for that," Taemin noted. "Plus, she has some weird powers."


With Jisung's attention awakened, the boy looked at his friend.

"What do you mean?"

~ meanwhile ~

Renjun was waiting in the living room, checking in on his friends whilst he tried to stay calm. 

Stepping into the room carefully, Cho-a was immediately spotted by the older one. She held her hands up in surrenders as he stormed towards her. 

"Renjun I can explain-" she offered right away but cut herself off when said boy put his hands on her shoulders and held her tight on the spot. 

His eyes travelled up and down her body and then, for a second, his glance got stuck on the cut on her cheek. 

Expecting a lecture or something similar, Cho-a already mentally prepared herself when, all of a sudden, Renjun embraced her in a tight hug. 

Next to them, Haechan and Chenle exchanged surprised looks, whereas Jaemin and Jeno just smiled and went back to minding their own business. 

"Idiot," he said again, this time quieter and softer. "Are you okay?" 

She nodded quickly. 
"I am alright. Jisung got there on time." 

Pushing himself away from the girl, Renjun frowned. 
"Who attacked you guys anyway?" he asked at which Cho-a hesitated - she didn't really know him after all. However, Renjun nodded reassuringly. "You can tell me. I'll kill him for you." 

"No-" Cho-a said right away but was interrupted by the other boys. 

"Ohh~ I'd like to see that," Haechan noted and Chenle agreed. 

"I'll get the popcorn," Chenle said as he jumped up from his seat and headed into the kitchen. 

• Popcorn 

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