39 • Girls

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here's Haechan in a black turtleneck to heal your soul

Chapter 39

Cho-a was smart. Reasonable. Predicting.

So when she got that message from Young-hee, she knew that meeting her alone could mean getting herself in danger - especially after all that happened last time.

That's why she decided to do the only sensible thing.

She agreed to meet her.


"You really came?" Young-hee asked in disbelief.

Cho-a shrugged. "You said you wanted to talk." She looked the other one up and down, inspecting her cautiously. "You don't like me enough to ask me here for no good reason and you aren't quite dumb enough to try and kill me. So I think it's okay."

She ended it with a sweet smile, kind eyes burning into the other girl provocatively.

Young-hee clenched her jaw, returned the smile. "Alright then," she mumbled reluctantly and indicated towards the long sidewalk ahead alongside which countless shops were lined up.

They shone nicely, brightly. Colourful lights sneaked onto the asphalt outside.

The world felt calm.

"Let's go." And the two started their walk towards nowhere. "Aren't you wondering why I asked you of all people to come?"

Cho-a frowned, gave it a thought. She had wondered about this already which was part of the reason why she came in the first place.

She just really wasn't worried.

"You didn't have much of a choice," she replied casually. "Jisung isn't an option - he won't agree to meet you. And if Jisung won't meet you, neither will Chenle. Jaemin and Jeno are pretty obvious. And after what you did last time, Renjun wouldn't voluntarily come to see you either."

She took a short break, humming to herself as she ignored the other girl's surprised expression.

Then she continued, "So it's between Haechan and me. You and he aren't close though, so he wouldn't trust you enough to actually agree to listen to you." She looked ahead, buried her hands in the pockets of her thin jacket. "That leaves only me."

Young-hee ground her teeth and looked at the younger one with a tight smile. She inspected her. That she had given it so much thought came as a surprise to her.

When an awkward silence pushed between them, Cho-a looked at her. "Am I wrong?"

"No," she replied, then looked away and rolled her eyes.

"Then just tell me what you wanted to tell me."

Young-hee exhaled in annoyance. She closed her eyes for a brief second, attempting to stay calm. 

"Am I annoying you?" Cho-a asked.


"Deserves you right. You were a real bitch the other day."

"You kept annoying me."

"Your fault," the younger said with a blank face.

Young-hee gasped. "Why my fault?!"

"Who kidnapped me, huh?" Cho-a looked at her reproachfully. Soon, she looked back ahead at the countless people that wandered through the lively streets at this hour. "What do you want to talk about?"

Which brought them back to the original topic.

The reason why they were there.

Which Cho-a was more than curious about.

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