32 • Stained

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Chapter 32 •

Renjun banged his fist against the door as if his life depended on it. Although the wood shook under his force, it stood tall and steady until Young-hee pulled it open. 

"Who is-" the girl began but stopped once she spotted the three boys. Before she could say anything else, Renjun and Ten had already pushed past her into the penthouse. 

With a confused frown on her face, she looked at the remaining boy. 
"Jisung?" she questioned in disbelief as if she had forgotten that he was even looking for her. 

"Morning," he greeted flatly, his disinterest in her became obvious. He followed the two boys into the spacious living room where they stood, looking a little lost. 

Throwing a few vague glances through the way too large apartment, Renjun then stormed towards the first door he saw and pulled it open. 

Young-hee huffed. She stood behind them with hands crossed in front of her chest and a judging look on her face. 
"That's the bathroom, genius," she noted, then nodded towards the clock. "It's just past seven she is still sleeping." 

"Where is she?" Renjun pressed, not in the mood for Young-hee's empty replies. 

The girl paused, eyes on Renjun for a second longer before they brushed over Ten and then landed on Jisung. 
"You really spent the whole night looking for her, huh?" Jisung didn't reply. "Is she so important to you?" 

Much like Renjun, Jisung wasn't in the mood to even attempt to talk to her. He tilted his head to the side, stretching his neck. His eyes were burning, tired, overworked, full of worry. Yet he tried his best to stay calm in front of Young-hee. 

"I'm tired," he said simply. "Where is she?" 

Inspecting the boy a little longer, she then looked out of the window with disinterest, made a few steps to the side and let herself fall down onto the sofa. She sighed. She didn't care for and didn't understand the fuss either. 

"Down the corridor, last door on the right." She motioned vaguely into that direction. 

Whereas Renjun and Ten set off right away, Jisung stayed in the room with Young-hee. Partly because he didn't want to let her out of his sight. Partly because he knew the other two would be just fine. 

Staring at the girl, he tried to figure out what she was thinking about. She bit her teeth together, flexing her jaw muscles a little too obviously. She seemed anxious. 

From a little further away, Jisung heard the other two talk. 

"She is really sleeping," Ten said quietly. 

"Let's just get her home," Renjun replied before stepping into the room. 

Meanwhile, Jisung frowned. "You did something." 

Young-hee rolled her eyes, let her head fall back. Her hair rested on the sofa's backrest, her head was hovering above it. 
"What makes you think that?" 

"It's just obvious." 

It got quiet. 

"Cho-a~" Renjun said. His voice floated through the corridor, out into the living room. He sounded anxious but calm nonetheless. 

"Did you have an argument?" Jisung asked further, gaze running through the room, then further to the open kitchen area next to them and then over to- 

He froze. 

"Is that blood?" 

Suddenly sitting up straight, Young-hee turned her head. She followed Jisung's eyes over to the kitchen counter where a red smudge stuck to the marble white surface. Getting up quickly, she hurried to catch up with Jisung who was walking towards it. 

"Why's she not waking up?" Ten asked unsettled. "Turn her-"


The clock's second-hand moved once ere turmoil broke out. There was shuffling in the room at the end of the corridor. Ten stormed into the living room. 

"Jisung!" he urged, stopped next to the boy who averted his gaze from the counter to the older boy. "There's blood all over the pillow, she looks really pale." 

Though panicked, Ten remained rather calm. Voice loud and hasty but he kept a clear mind. 

Meanwhile, Jisung's attention shifted to Renjun who joined the three in the living room, with Cho-a lying limb in his arms. Her hair stuck together, its dark brown even darker through the blood in it. Red marks around her neck, on her cheek. 

Although the blood and bruises made it obvious that she must have been in pain, she seemed so calm. She almost seemed okay. 

"I-" Renjun said, eyes jumping restlessly up and down between Jisung and Cho-a. "We have to..." He didn't finish his sentence. 

Not that he needed to. 

Throwing a last glare at Young-hee who looked back at Jisung timidly and shocked and unable to say anything at the disgust in his eyes, he turned back to the other two quickly. 

"Call Doyoung, tell him to come to my place," he ordered Ten, then turned to Renjun. "It'll be okay, let's get out of here first." 

Nodding wordlessly, Renjun quickly followed Ten out of the penthouse, with Jisung right behind them. When he suddenly felt a hand around his wrist though, he stopped. 

"Jisung I can-" she began but he ripped his arm away from her. 

"You should hope that Cho-a is okay," he said lowly, not even bothering to look at her. "Or I will actually kill you this time." 

Stained •

I had to interrupt writing this chapter cause NCT Daily just uploaded awsaz with Jisung and Winwin. Two babies in one video 😭😔

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