1 • Blood

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let's snatch some souls then

• Chapter 1 •

The smell of blood littered the air as the crimson liquid shimmered lively in the moonlight. 

At the blink of an eye, half a dozen people were dead, bodies bleeding out on the warm asphalt. The murmur around was dull, the shouts for help in vain as the four young grim reapers stepped onto the scene. 

"Couldn't they have died after dinner?" Chenle groaned as he dragged his feet towards the bodies. 

Renjun hit the back of the younger one's head. 
"Have a little respect towards the dead," he scolded lowly, though he sounded like he didn't care much himself.

Rolling his eyes, way too lazy to reply and argue with the older one, Chenle stayed quiet instead and watched as Jisung crouched down in front of the lifeless body of a young woman. 

"Let's just get to work," the youngest ordered, tilted his head to the side as he inspected the body and the soul within. "This one's for Renjun, Haechan take the kid. Chenle and I will handle the rest." 

"But why do I have to take two-" Chenle started whining, eyes on his best friend who glared at the older one with bored eyes. 

"Because you keep complaining." Pushing himself up, Jisung brushed his hands off on his trousers. "You act as if you were the one that died in a car crash." 

This was as much meant to be a joke as it was meant to scold the boy. 

However, Chenle just ended up rolling his eyes before he got to work as ordered. 

Focused on that they were doing and not expecting anyone to watch their movements in the first place, they didn't notice the pair of eyes that lingered on them as they worked. 

No one noticed the girl. She was almost invisible in between the mass of people. There was nothing to help her stand out, nothing to help her seem like more than a passerby. 

Her head tilted to the side ever so slightly while she observed the boys unlike everyone else. 

Because no one else could see them. The spectators were all just mere humans, restricted to seeing this one, incomplete world. 

And besides, there were only two humans known to be able to spot the men of death. Namely--

"Jeno, Jaemin!" Haechan shouted as he spotted the two boys in the mass of people. 

Making their way across the university's campus, they didn't take long to attract the eyes from almost every student that was passing by. 

Even though it wasn't an unusual sight to see any of the four grim reapers here, many students still couldn't keep themselves from watching them warily, with a certain sense of longing as they walked by. 

"Are your classes over?" Jeno asked once they were close enough at which Haechan nodded. 

"Our lecture ended early. How about you, are you guys ready to leave?" he asked back, already about to turn on his heel when Chenle appeared next to them out of thin air. 

"No," he interrupted and pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "Jisung's got a soul to take to hell." 

A soul that was currently still in its body, already done bleeding out, skin unhealthily pale and eyes wide open as it stared at the wall it was facing. 

Leanin against a dumpster at the end of a short but unused alley, the dead man wasn't spotted by anyone, not even in the broad daylight that shone down onto him. 

People walked by and chatted happily. No one noticed the body. No one batted an eye. 

No one except for two people. 

Jisung was standing at the entrance to the alley, boredom clearly visible on his face as he stared inside, an eyebrow raised at the unimpressed looking girl that stood there looking down at the corpse in front of her feet. 

He could hear her hum quietly before she tilted her head to the side and exhaled flatly. 

"An ugly death for an ugly soul," Cho-a said lowly. "Quite fitting." 

• Blood •

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