Chapter 2

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After taking 4 buses and a plane I made it to Long Beach, California. The place I grew up in. I know that it's not a very smart move but it was the only move I had.

Long Beach has always been my safe place, Brooklyn was just a back-up plan. Now that I had the Black Widow on my tail and Nick Fury, I needed my safe place now more than ever.

A long time ago, I built an underground safe house for me and my family in case anything were to happen. It's filled to the brim with weapons and security protocols.

I had to be extra careful on getting there because if anyone saw me my cover would be blown. I had to use my fake ID's and digital masks to get into places just in case anyone recognized my real name and face.

The underground house is located in the middle of the nearest woods. It always creeped me out but I knew it was the only place no one would dare to go. There were legends about the woods to scare kids but what scared everyone else were the bodied found.

"Home sweet home," I said under my breath before taking my first few steps into the woods.

I walked for what felt like hours until I found a small patch of clear ground. No trees and barely any grass. We called this patch, "The Place Where Nothing Grows" since nothing in the history of the forest grew there.

That's why I picked it. It was the most well known spot and so obvious no one would think of it. Also, it would be easy for me to remember and to find.

I used my hands to dig just a few inches into the dirt. My fingernails scratched against a metal surface and that was when I knew I had found it.

I brushed off the rest of the dirt and pulled up the latch. It revealed a dark cylinder like tunnel that stretched straight down for at least 17 feet. There was a ladder on the north side for me to climb down.

I took one last look around and into the darkness of the woods to make sure there was absolutely no one around.

When I decided the coast was clear I started making my way down the tunnel. Closing the latch behind me. The darkness engulfed me as soon as the latch clicked shut.

"I hate my life," I whispered. It took me at least 10 minutes to get to the bottom of the ladder. The floor was made of bricks and cemented rocks. "This place is filthy."

There was dust everywhere and spiders and cobwebs vacated in the main room. I cleaned up as much as I could making it as livable as possible. While cleaning one of the spider's pounced on me and sunk it's teeth into the thick jacket.

I flung it off and walked over to where it landed. The bug was now dead and it's a good thing I had a thick jacket or else I would have been in serious trouble.

The spider was a Black Widow. Kind of ironic but they are known as one of the most poisonous spiders in North America. One of the reasons I love them so much.

Natasha's POV

"Still nothing?" Fury asked when I walked into the meeting room.

"No, sir. It's been three days and we've found nothing," I replied. 

"Damn it." he said under his breath.

"Why are you so determined to get this girl?" I asked.

"I need her specific skill set." Fury said.

"For what exactly? I'm  pretty sure her skills are limited to poison." I said.

"She has other valuable skills that I can use." Fury said.

"Fine," I said. Soon after Agent Hill walked in.

"Director we've got a lead." Hill said.

"Where?" Fury asked.

"Long Beach, California." Hill replied.

"Looks like we're going to Cali." I said and the three of us headed for the Quinjet.

It took a few hours before we arrived but when we did the hunt for Doctor Poison began.


It had been a few days now and I realized I was going to need more food and supplies if I was going to stay there.

This is not going to go well. I thought.

The feeling that something was wrong kept creeping up from my stomach but I kept pushing down. I climbed the ladder to the top of the tunnel and slowly opened the hatch. I looked around to see if anyone was there before fully opening it.

Right as I started to climb out, I heard a branch crack in the distance. I whipped my head towards where the sound had come from but nothing. The darkness and trees were to thick for me to see who or what it was.

I fully climbed out of the tunnel and hid the latch with surrounding dirt. Keeping one hand on my gun that I had stuff in the back of my waistband.

I slowly walked in the direction that I had entered from. Soft and slow footsteps could be heard from a few feet away from me.

Damn it. I thought.

"I know you're here," I said. I had stopped walking at this point and by the sound of it so did the other. "I really thought I'd have more time. But I guess I shouldn't have doubted the great Nick Fury." I raised my voice a little louder. It echoed and bounced off the trees.

The footsteps started again and out of the darkness came a tall, lean figure. Alone.

"Where's your hound?" I asked.

"She's looking for you," he said too calmly.

"You know, usually I have an idea of why someone wants me but I can't figure out," I started. "I'm of no value to you. And I'm almost certain you have no reason to hold a grudge against me."

"And what makes you so certain of that?" he asked. Faint footsteps sounded again but not from me or him.

"Does your pet know where you are?" I asked.

"She does," he said. "You should really do better at hiding yourself."

"What's the point now? I've tried hiding from you already. Maybe you're meant to find me?"

"I don't believe in fate." he said.

"Neither do I, but it's always worth a thought. How's it feel to finally catch your prey after all these years?" I asked.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't got her yet." he said.

There was one final step that came from behind me before an arm wrapped around my neck and a foot kicked my legs dropping me to my knees. I looked up to see beautiful emerald eyes staring down at me.

"So you did bring her," I said and looked back at Fury. Her arm was still hooked around my neck but there was something she forgot. "You forgot restrain my arms." I said and elbowed her in the stomach causing her to stumble backwards.

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