Chapter 69

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It's over. Finally it's over.

I saw Russo's lifeless body with the iron rod spearing in his heart. Damon had his revenge. The rapist who tattered and killed his little sister is dead. The monster who was the reason of his father's demise is dead.

I couldn't get myself to look at his body but Damon he was staring at it with the splashes of his blood on his face. Sometimes I think how inhuman is he to not flinch at the things he do but the pain he has gone through has killed any tenderness in him. I understand what he would have gone through when he would have seen the lifeless body of his little sister. Ripped not only of her clothes but her future, her family, her dreams, her soul.

I reached Damon and stretched my hands to touch his shoulder. "Where is Ric?" He asked before he turned to me, before I could touch him. Ric, how will I tell him.

He turned to me and held me by my shoulders "Wh-whe-where is my br-brother Doll?" He was too injured to even form a sentence. For the first time I heard Don stuttering. I held his hand at my shoulder "D-Don he-he -" before I could complete I felt his hand slipping from mine as he fell to the ground. "Damon! Damon get up." I said sitting beside him shaking him. God no. No, no no. Please get up. Please babe get up. "You can't leave me. Get up. Damon get up. Please get up. I can't loose you. Please", I was crying constantly when I heard the voice I was so waiting to hear "Soph".

I felt Enzo's hand on my shoulder as he crouched beside me. "Where were you Enzo?" I hid my face in his chest and I felt his hand in my head consoling me "h-he-he is not waking up, he is not-" I was sobbing continuously repeating the same thing. All I want is to see his ocean eyes again. I felt Enzo's rubbing my back "shh...Soph" he kept on stroking my back.

I saw a rush as paramedics came inside with Antonio and took Damon on the stretchers.

Everything seems blur to me. It's like my whole world has fallen apart in one moment as he fell to the ground.

Here I am in hospital waiting for doctors to come out from operation theater and tell that Damon is fine. That Ric is fine.

We are all here, Enzo is with me on first floor where Damon is in surgery and Alysia, Caprice and Antonio are on the second floor where Ric is in surgery. I got to know that all this time when Enzo wasn't around, he was making arrangements for saving Ric.

Even Chuck was there because he too was treated there for his injuries. Chuck had multiple injuries, though none of them severe because the motive was to keep him down and not kill him yet he was too inured and weak to move right now. I cursed myself for taking a sigh of relief back when I saw Zack taking Chuck. I could never imagine that Zack could turn out to be a rat. I could only imagine Damon's shock when that news would have unfolded on him. I have seen the trust in his eyes for Doctor Zack.

Caprice and Alysia, I don't know how they are doing, I am so worried about Ric too and the worst part is I couldn't be with them.

The moment I got to know that Julio turned out to be the rat, my heart ached to be with Alysia, she must be so heartbroken. She is too young to have so many wounds at her delicate heart. I wanted to be with them but I couldn't and not only because Damon is getting operated on a different floor but also somewhere deep down I couldn't bring myself to face Caprice. What will I say to her, that her Ric got shot because I was reckless enough to can't sit around and wait. Had I wouldn't be there, Ric wouldn't be there trying to save me, Damon wouldn't be alone inside to fight. If anything happens to Ric today I don't know if I could ever get past this and face Caprice and Damon. "I promise you every bullet has to go through me before it could reach you or Charles." I remembered Ricardo's words he said to me in the study before all this. He kept his promise and I couldn't keep my word to not let anything happen to him. Oh God, please don't let anything happen to them.

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