Chapter 36

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I watched Don holding his bourbon glass a bit to tightly, his knuckles were white. His temper was definitely rising I guess as I mentioned Marc. He didn't say anything since I began the story. He was just listening to me. I moved next to him where he was leaning on his desk, I don't know why but I felt like I need to be close to him to tell this part of the story.

"It was my birthday and I don't know why but I was waiting for mom, maybe she will come back to me. It would be enough if she would have called once. Just once, not to ask how I am but to tell that she is alive. I missed her so much but I was so angry at her. That was also the day when Chuck started his junior year in high school. So I distracted myself with that I made sure he had everything as he left for school.

Adrien had a party that night for his friends as his club hit the biggest profits that year. I prepared everything for the party and asked Chuck to stay with his friend for the night. I didn't want him to be part of Adrien's crowd. The party went smoothly and few of them stayed behind to play cards and drinks. Marc was there too after the party, we generally just used to exchange hellos, he do not used to talk to me or cross my path but he always used to leave more food for me so I had more food to eat, other than that he never spoke with me. He even made sure no one else misbehave with me. "They generally used to discuss you." I said looking at Don. "Yeah how the new Don and his brother is taking over everything. He used to brag about the stories of Caprio brothers and them ruling the NYC." I said with a chuckle looking at Don. "I used to wonder who are these people and how can someone who is so ruthless can impress everyone. I never thought I will meet them someday" I said putting my hand over Don's. He smiled lightly. "What happened at the party?" He asked. "After the party, it happened after the party". I said and continued.

I was cleaning the party mess when Adrien called me,his friends were all passed out except he and Marc, I guess they were still playing. "This might come as a shock but Sophia I kind of lost you in the game to Marc" he said and I was not able to understand what he said. "What do you mean?" I asked him "Well I mean that we were playing and I put you as a bet and I lost you to Marc" he clarified for me. "Are you kidding me? What do you mean you lost me in a bet? Who are you to loose me even? How can you bet on me?" I was screaming in anger "Relax, I don't know how this happen, I play you everyday I never lost once" My jaw dropped "You bet me everyday??? Are you even listening to yourself" A table lamp on the side table caught my attention and I threw it on him . He dogged and continued "Don't get so riled up its just for a night" he said as if its nothing. I understood there is no point reasoning with him so I ran. I was running so fast but as I was about to open the front door someone pulled me back. I saw its Marc

"Please, Please don't do this. You were the one who saved me. How can you do this? Just let me go, please please." I was begging him continuously as he said "Shhh... relax dove I will not hurt you, you are so beautiful and so soft how can anyone ever hurt you. Trust me you wont even feel the pain." He said as he hauled me over his shoulder and brought me to my old room. I was trashing around as he laid me down. "Don't! Don't you touch me, how could you do this. Just let me go please." I was pleading him but he was busy taking off his clothes as if its all consensual. I tried to make a run but then I felt a sting at my neck. It felt like my whole body went paralyzed. He cradled me in his lap and said "See I told you I will not let you feel any pain. Trust me dove it will all be fine. And you know good thing is your brother is already not here so no distractions for you whole night. I will love you so much and you will lay here like my good pet."

He was wrong, he was so wrong I did feel the pain every time he laid his hand on my body . I laid there lifeless, unable to do anything. I tried shutting my body, I tried not to feel anything but I failed . I failed miserably, because I felt everything. I feel him pulling off my clothes I felt him pushing inside me hard and fast. I felt his disgusting breath on my neck. I felt him tearing me apart as he took my virginity. I closed my eyes trying to escape it but I couldn't. I felt like dying. Like I was drowning and I wasn't able to hold onto anything. I wanted my Dad to come and protect me I wanted him to take me with him.

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