Chapter 15

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I was standing at the door frame of my brother's room waiting for him to wake up from the sleep he is faking. I know he is awake and wants to avoid me. 

I was looking at him but my mind drifted to Sophia. I remembered how he made fun of me saying I am in love with her. But maybe he is right. Maybe it is love. I do not know even if I was capable of loving someone. It felt like she is snuck up on me and I can't shake her. I don't want to loose her. When I feel her trembling under me it, when I wrap her around my arms, when I kiss her every moment I spend with her makes me feel complete. She is sucking me into her dimension. The way she gave her up last night to calm me down it was incredible. She took my rage my anger, everything I gave her she took it, and that was the moment I knew she is made for me. Being with her feels so right. The way she pick up my clothes every day from the floor and wear my shirt to bed, it just feels that she belonged with me. And I know she needed me as much I needed her. The way she arched herself towards me craving more even for the pain I gave her tells me that even she didn't know yet but her soul too belongs to me.

Today when she kissed me I felt like a teenager falling in love for the first time.  She was cherishing me, appreciating me and I was feeling that fluttering in my stomach. Butterflies damnit I felt butterflies. Don, you need to catch a grip.

"I am not your Cinderella. Stop staring it's creepy" I felt a pillow being thrown at me. I stopped it right before it touched my face. "Stop faking and I will stop staring" I said to my irritated brother. "What do you want?" he asked annoyed getting up. I reached him crouched in front of him. I let out a sigh at his annoyed expression and I said "C'mon kiddo, I am sorry. Don't be mad, you know how I hate seeing you upset. I know I overreacted. I should not have lashed out on you, I am sorry. But you know how I am. I cannot control it. You know I love you I would never hurt you buddy" he got up from the bed and moved past me. "Ric c'mon." I said getting up. "Well then say sorry" he said without looking at me. "What? But I just said sorry" "No, hold your ears and say sorry" he said turning to me "Are you kidding me, what are we 4?" I scoffed at him looking for a trace of humor. But I could not see. "I am waiting" he said in a flat tone. "Ric don't be a child". "Well you are stretching it, maybe you are a child" he said folding his arms in front of him. I let out a breath. God, he can really be a drama queen. "Fine" I said giving up in front of him like always. I held my ears and said "I am sorry Ric. Please forgive me". "Awww I love u too brother" he said with a teasing smile as I felt a flash of a camera. That fucker just took a photo of me  "You son of a bitch" I said as I ran after him and he ran outside the room laughing
He was running in the hallway and I was chasing him when Sophia and Caprice were there in between us. He took Sophia's arm to bring her in front of him and hid behind her saying " Cinderella help me your "Devil" charming has gone mad" "Ric give me that phone before I kill you" I warned him moving towards him. "Why brother this phone has made my millennium. Let everyone see how the mighty Don apologizes like a four year old kid holding his ears" he laughed stretching his arms keeping the phone above making the photo visible to Sophia and Caprice. Caprice was laughing hard like him and even Sophia let out a small laugh. But stopped as her eyes met me, probably scared. I snatched her away from him. She almost fell when I pulled her behind "You are so dead" I said running after him again. I caught him before he could run far and kicked him in the gut he crouched dropping his phone I catch it before it fell on the floor. "This was for making me run like this" I pulled his ears hard and he screamed "and this is for making me apologize like a "four year old"". "Okay I am sorry, I am sorry" he blurted and I left him. We were silent for a second and then burst out laughing and bro hugged each other. "I am sorry too brother. Maybe I did crossed a line" he said "No worries buddy" I said giving his hair a shake.

We sat on for breakfast, I noticed Sophia was wearing a long full sleeves dress, maybe as an attempt to cover up the marks I gave her. It's a good thing she didn't use makeup because I said No. I smiled to myself when Ric caught my attention with his news

"Brother, the Mexicans are causing tensions day by day now". "What do you mean?" I asked him with a brow raised "I got another call from Vegas, our shipment that was crossing Mexican borders was delayed again because of Miguel and his troop. "Was anything stolen?" I asked. "Not this time. But they are growing a pair. Niall even saw few of them in our club last night. Doing some drug deal"  "Has Miguel lost his mind? Don't he know with whom he is messing?" I retorted in anger. How can he be such a fool, I will crush him he knows, then from where is he getting this courage. "You know Russo has seek refuge with them I am sure he is spreading his venom" Ric said and my anger spiked to my head at the mention of that dead crap bastard. "He is a rat Ric, he does not has venom. Let him come out of whatever hole he is hiding in I will crush him beneath my shoes liked I crushed every last man of the Russo family". I said with gritted teeth, let him come in front of me once or so help me God, I even don't know what I will do to him. "Ask Enzo to handle Miguel whatever dealing that jerk's men are doing in our club in the city and you take care of Vegas. This should be the last they mess with our shipment." "On it brother" he said and left.

I know he will take care of it, for Enzo, however, I need to speak to him myself. He must be angry because of the stabbing incident. Lorenzo D'Amelio was my best friend or it might be better to call him a brother. If I trust anyone outside my immediate family it's him. He is even my second in command. I know he will die before he betrays me and I give him the same back. But I lost my shit on him yesterday and no matter how much he knows me he will not let it go that easy. He knows I will not cut him loose and thats why he always throws tantrums at me like a brat.

I called him and as expected he disconnected, I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes, God why I am friends with such a cry baby

I got up from the table and Sophia stood up in haste. I forgot that she was also sitting there for a moment. That sick fuck's Russo's mention just spark the worst in me. But she on the other hand just brings my sanity back by just being there. She is fidgeting with her fingers looking down, she was looking so innocent. I saw her plate was still half eaten, I guess she got up because of me. "You finish your breakfast, amore, I need to go somewhere, I will see you in the evening, huh." I said cupping her cheeks and she nodded with a smile. God, this woman will be the end of me. I kissed her and left.

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