Chapter 5

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I slipped down on the floor leaning on the door of this extravagant bathroom as I locked the door and held the door knob, catching my breath. I didn't realize as the much awaited tears started flowing my eyes. I was scared, I was so scared, I wanted to run to my Dad's arms and Mom's lap why have you left me mom? I cried and cried, I felt so alone. How my life has taken this turn? How from being daddy's princess, I became someone's sex slave. I didn't know what is happening, what will happen to me, what will he do with me.

It felt like someone has locked me in a dark room with nothing but a loud and scary TV show and took away the remote from my hands. I wanted to reached the door but I couldn't find it. I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice, I wanted to cover my ears to block the demonic laughter from the TV but my hands couldn't reach my ears, I want to close my eyes but something is stopping me. I felt so trapped. Its scary and I am terrified. I need you mom, again. Where are you? Why you left me? I need you mom, I am so alone. How will I survive this? How will I survive him?

I didn't know how long I was sitting on the floor crying when I heard a door closing outside and I realized he is still out and I have to go out too. Another fear crept up my bones as to how will he react if I have kept him waiting and I got up in a haste and stepped further inside the bathroom. I passed the glass shower cabin and there was a white porcelain hot tub. For a minute I so wanted to take a bath in the jacuzzi and wash off the night, but that's not the option right now. Also the night is not over yet. Only God knows what terrible things are yet to happen. I reached the basin.

I was shocked to see my reflection in the mirror. I was a mess, my kohl was all drained downed to my cheeks due to my tears, my hair were all messy, my eyes were all red, puffy with all the crying, my dress was all wrinkled. I grazed my fingers at the corner of my lips where there was dried blood and at my cheek bone where a bruise was forming which I am taking is the result of his slap from earlier. I washed my face and as I was drying myself from the face towel at the towel stand a crazy thought came to my mind and I started shuffling the drawers for anything that could be a weapon. I do not have to search long for I saw a razor almost instantly. As I held it in my hand with determination. My eyes went on the shirt kept on the edge of the basin, and my own reflection mocked me someone who do not have the courage to move out of this bathroom without putting his used shirt on, do you really think you can hurt him with the razor? My inner conscious was right I was weak, and even if I could escape where would I go? Its not like I have anyone out there looking for me. What if Don find me after I escape or worse Marc, I scoffed, "I would die at Don's hand rather than going to Marc. I never want to see his face at least not until Don decides to send me back after being done with me." I said to myself rolling my eyes.

I kept the razor back on the basin top and changed into his shirt. Shirt reaches to my mid thighs and was loose at the sleeves hence I folded it up a bit. I brushed my hair. As I turned to mirror after discarding my dress in the laundry basket kept at the side of the wall, I saw my reflection again. I can see pity in my own eyes and I felt regret for being so weak. I looked back at the mirror and I saw the same 5 year old girl I saw last in that white parlor room. She was looking back at me with sad eyes. What have I done to her? No, I had to do this, I have to try at least I owe this much to that girl staring back at me from the mirror with eyes that were used to be filled with aspirations and dreams. She deserve at least one chance of freedom, one chance of life. With this thought I picked up the razor again.

I made a cut at the inner side of my bra and hid the razor in it. I buttoned up the shirt and turned towards the door, I knew what's on the other side of the door, he would be there, I so not have the courage to see him again. I wished that some miracle could happen and he wasn't there, maybe he slept or went out. I took a deep breath and it took all my courage to turn that door knob and stepped out in the bedroom again.

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