3. Watermelon Woman

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"Miss, Nicolette is here."

"What did you say, Daisy?" I ran out of the master bedroom to the railing at the top of the stairs.

"Your sister is here." Daisy was already on her way to the large oak door.

"I'm the queen of the castle and I say no."

"Okay, Miss." Daisy ran away from the door and back to the kitchen.

The obnoxious doorbell sounded over and over again. I slide down the railing in my usual fashion to get to the door. Nicolette was starting to bang on the glass, and I was tempted to wait until she used profanities before opening the door.

"What the fuck do you want Nic-"I looked down at her stomach to see her huge belly, definitely pregnant and definitely close to popping. "Hey watermelon woman, what brings you to River Estate?"

"Excuse me? Move your ass and let me in." She tried to shove past me I won't let that stand. Please forgive me future niece or nephew, but it has to be done.

I shoved my hand into her stomach and pushed her back outside and locked the door before slamming it behind us. I hit her higher up to hopefully miss most of the fetus, well it was more of a shot to her boobs than anything.

"This is my house and I don't let just anyone in." I snarled.

"You were emancipated years ago and hold no legal right over this house."

"Incorrect, my fat foe. When you ignored the sheriff's call about claiming this house, they passed it to anyone blood related to mom and dad, so here I am to claim my prize. Bitch."

"You're so immature." She crossed her arms.

"Fatty, just tell me why you're here and what you want from my house."

"I'm starting a family and thought for some extra cash, I'd sell this house and other things in it."

"Don't you care about Daisy and Harry?"

"Who are they? More of your college hippy friends?"

"No! They raised us!"

"Nonsense. We had parents. Now, I want inside to take a look. Once I press for ownership, you will be on your way back to that hole you call home."

"You have plenty of money from mom's company and this house is mine."

"River do you have a moment?" I turned to see Maddox stepping out of a yellow cab and strolling up my marble stairs.

"Sure go around back to the kitchen and knock on the window and climb in, after Daisy unlocks it for you."

"What's wrong with the front door?"

"I'm in a standing altercation with a cow."

"Narration?" He asked while looking between Nicolette and me.

"The truth. Get going." I snapped.

"Oh, so he knows about your crazy narration. What about your drunken nights or your lowly college choice!"

"Shut up Nic. You lost the right to judge me when I left this family!"

"So it's just around the corner?" Maddox interrupted. I shot him and glared as he headed off.

"Why don't I call the rest of our siblings as see what they think of this whole mess!"

"Do whatever the hell you want hippo, just get off my property before I have the guards drag your overweight ass out of here!"

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