Chapter 64

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Narrator's POV

Yoongi was trying to be patient with Baekhyun. It's just the thought of him getting near his nest makes made Yoongi anxious and stressed. There was a knock at the door and Baekhyun comes in. "Here Yoongi. Let's change your clothes and your pad" Baekhyun says and picks him up. He takes Yoongi to the bathroom and helps him change. Once they were done, he took Yoongi back to sit on Jimin's bed. Yoongi fiddled with his fingers. Without Jimin, he felt vulnerable. Yoongi felt as if he was weak. Without Jimin, he would be dead or still getting bullied. He felt alone and sad. The door opened to reveal Jimin's brothers and their mates. They looked at Yoongi and he looked like a startled baby. Jin and Eunwoo dropped their gazes to Yoongi hands. They were gripping his favorite stuffed animal that Jimin had gotten him. Mr.Berry. They could tell Yoongi wasn't handling the situation well. Jin and Eunwoo looked at Baekhyun. He wasn't taking his eyes off Yoongi. "Yoongi," Baekhyun says and Yoongi flinches slightly. "Y-yes hyung" Yoongi shakily says. "Baekhyun" Mark exclaims happily and Yoongi jumps. He falls from the bed but Jungkook uses his super-speed to catch him. Jungkook sets Yoongi back on Jimin's bed.

"Dammit Mark. I just got him to stop shaking" Baekhyun says which causes shock to wash over everyone. Yoongi was in fact shaking again. "Yoonie" Jin says coming closer. He looks at Jin and his lips quiver. "Jinnie" Yoongi says letting a tear slip. Jin picks up Yoongi and he clings to him. Jin sets Yoongi back down on the bed. There was a knock on the door and then it opened to reveal the Min pack alphas. Yoongi started to shake badly so Jungkook, Sehun, Jooheon, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Mark blocked their view from the omegas, who were blocking the view of Yoongi and Jimin. "What do you guys want?" Namjoon asks. "We wanted to see how Jimin was," Suho says. "We also wanted to apologize for how we have been acting," Chen says. "You guys don't get to say shit. You have hurt our little brother over and over again" Sehun growls. Yoongi was freaking out. His distress was smelt by Baekhyun and Jin. Jin goes to Yoongi and sits beside him. Yoongi growls slightly but crawls onto Jin's lap. Jin pets Yoongi's hair. "It is okay pumpkin. It's okay" Jin says. "A-alpha" Yoongi whimpers.

Jimin's eyes shoot open. His eyes were red. He let out a loud growl and everyone turned. Jin set Yoongi down and slowly moved away. Jimin sits up and pulls Yoongi onto his lap. Yoongi starts purring and scenting Jimin. Someone cleared their throat and Jimin growls. "Get out," Jimin says in his Alpha voice. Everyone leaves besides Jin, Baekhyun, and Yoongi of course. Once Yoongi was done scenting Jimin, Jimin looks at him. "Baby I'm okay. I'm just going to rest a little more" Jimin says and Yoongi nods. Jimin falls back to sleep and Yoongi runs his hands through his hair. "Do you feel better pumpkin?" Jin asks and Yoongi nods slightly. Jimin's brothers come back in with their mates. Taehyung tackles Yoongi in a hug but it causes him to fall from the hospital bed. Before Yoongi could hit the floor, Jungkook grabs him. Sehun grabs his mate and makes him sit on his lap. Yoongi was clinging onto Jungkook while crying. "Yoonie it is okay. I've got you" Jungkook says and rubs Yoongi's back. Soon he calms down but he is still clinging to Jungkook. Jungkook sets Yoongi on Jimin's bed and Jimin pulls him down to lay with him. "Mine" Jimin says lowly. Yoongi giggles. "Hyunnie" Yoongi says making grabby hands. Baekhyun takes Yoongi from Jimin and Yoongi cuddles into him. "Taehyung what have we said about tackling Yoongi?" Sehun asks. "Not too," Taehyung says. "Then why did you do it?" Sehun asks. "Because I wanted to," he says. "Taehyung" Sehun warns. "Sorry alpha," Taehyung says.

Yoongi puts his head up and sniffs the air. He gets out of his arms and runs through everyone. "Luna Lee" Yoongi exclaims. "Luna Min" Luna Jisung says. They hug each other. "Aww and my baby sungie. Oh lookie baby Ha-joon" Yoongi says picking up Jisung and kissing Ha-Joon's head. "You guys can come in. Jimin is just resting" yoongi says and they did. Yoongi sets Jisung down and he ran to Jin. Yoongi sits next to Jimin on the bed. Luna Jisung handed him Ha-Joon and he gushes at the cute baby. "Yoongi do you mind taking Ha-Joon for a little bit? Jin do you mind watching Jisung? Minho and I have to unpack our stuff" Luna Jisung says. "I would be glad to," Yoongi says and Jin also agrees. Everyone clears out of the room. Jin and Eunwoo take Jisung to go make cookies. While everyone else went to do their own thing. Yoongi sat on the bed talking softly to Ha-Joon. "You know Ha-Joon sometimes I wish I had a baby of my own but I'm not ready to be a parent. I'm going to tell you a secret. I think one of my friends is pregnant. I'm so excited. I know it's not verified but I just have that feeling. I hope they keep the baby. I would finally be an auntie" Yoongi says. While Yoongi is in his own little world, Jimin was watching him with love in his eyes. Jimin sits his bed up and pulls Yoongi to him. Yoongi smiles and cuddles into his side with the baby safely cradled in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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