Chapter 13

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I hugged Taemin and I quickly ran down the hall back to my class. I was so happy and excited. I wanted to tell all my family and friends. There was this lingering question in my mind. Why didn't I want Jimin to know?

He is my mate but I couldn't understand the feeling I was having right now. Not only did it feel like sadness and fear, but also loneliness and despair. If anyone was around me they would be able to smell this through my scent. Right when I was about to enter my classroom, I turned around and headed for the school garden.

I didn't know how long I was out there until my backpack was dropped in front of me. It scared me to death man. I looked and saw Jimin, Baekhyun, and Sehun. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "We could be asking you the same question Yoongi," Sehun says. "Right. Um well, I should be going to find Suho. I need to discuss some things with him" I say and try to slip away.

Baekhyun grabbed me and said, "Nice try Yoongi but you know he has a class right now". 'I'm sorry Baekhyun' I thought to myself before I gave him pain. I then froze time. I grabbed my bag and ran away. Once I knew I was safe, I started time back. I looked around and saw that I ran to the roof. No one was really allowed up here because they were afraid someone would try to commit suicide or do sexual things. Anyway, this gave me the time to actually think.

I thought about what would happen if I told the rest of my brothers about my relationship with Jimin; if I was to move in with Jimin, and about moving somewhere else such as America. I didn't know what I wanted but I really didn't care because I knew I didn't want my life to stay the way it is now.

An hour later

I heard the doorknob turn and I sped to hide behind something. The door opened and I saw Jin walk out onto the roof. "Yoongi I know you're here. I can smell your sadness and confusion. Come on out. I won't hurt you and you know that" he said. I walked out from my hiding spot and went towards him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, I was at home cleaning when I got a call from Jimin. He was worried about you but he had to go to class so he had me come. Now, what's up Yoongi?" Jin says. "Okay so I wanted to graduate this year, with Jimin, but I don't know if I should tell him. Like I haven't even shown or told any of my brothers about my scores" I say when Jin interrupts by saying "what scores".

"My scores for the final tests that every student has to take before they graduate. I made perfect scores on all my tests but I don't know what I want to do with my life. I thought about moving in with your family but then I remembered that your brothers don't like me. I also thought about studying abroad or getting my own house" I say.

"Wow. Yoongi if you come to our house I swear that my brother will never hurt you. In terms of studying abroad I would say go for it if you didn't already have a mate, but Yoongi if you leave Jimin he will fall apart slowly" Jin says. "I know and to be honest, I don't want to leave him either. Though my bond won't be as strong as his until I turn 18, I still love and care about him" I say. "Come on Yoongi, I'm going to take you home," Jin says and I nod while following.

"Aren't you going to wait for the boys to get out of school?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No. Jimin has dance practice today and so do the boys along with my brother Hoseok" Jin says and I nod. I get in the car with him and we leave. "Yoongi do you want to go eat something?" Jin asks. "If it's not too much trouble," I say. "It's no trouble at all that's why I asked. Anyways I will need to stop by my house to change if that's okay" Jin says and I nod.

Skip to the Park packhouse

"Come on Yoongi. I'm not going to leave you sitting in the car by yourself" Jin says and I slowly got out of the car. "You can sit on the couch while I go change. Also, Namjoon is with Jackson so don't worry about him" Jin says leaving me in the living room.

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