Chapter 1

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Yoongi's POV

Red is all that could be seen. It covered everything. I ran and ran till I couldn't run anymore. I saw that I didn't go anywhere. Someone showed up and started to chase me. I kept running and running. As soon as I thought I lost him I got grabbed.

"Ahh" I scream as I woke up. My brothers come rushing in. Baekhyun comes and takes my shaking and crying self into his arms. He starts singing a song that we brothers only know because it was passed down as we grew up. I started to calm down and my crying went to sniffles.

"Sweetie, what happened?" Baekhyun asks. "It was a nightmare. There was blood everywhere. I just kept running and running. Then someone started chasing me. I don't know who they were but I knew they were not good. I stopped because I thought I lost him and he came out of nowhere and grabbed me. After that, I woke up" I say.

"Baby it's going to be okay," Tao says. He comes over and hugs me. "I know. I'm just scared that they still might come back" I say with a slight frown. "That will never happen, baby. We are all here for you and I assure you we will not be leaving you anytime soon" Tao says.

"Thanks, Tao," I say smiling. "Now how about everyone goes to get dressed. Chen and Tao stay and help Yoongi since you guys are already dressed. I will go make breakfast and baby come downstairs when you're ready" Suho says and leaves with the rest of my brothers.

"So baby what do you want to wear today?" Chen asks going into my closet. "Um how about a pink sweater and some Jean shorts please?" I say and Chen nods going into my closet. He gives me my clothes and leaves the room with Tao so I can get dressed. I decided to put my flare on this outfit and put on fishnets under the shorts.

I put the sweater on and it comes to about mid-thigh and covers my shorts completely. I then fixed my hair so that it looked nice and was very fluffy. When I was done I headed downstairs and went into the dining room.

Suho gave me a plate of my favorite breakfast food. I took one bite out of it and started crying. 'It tastes just like how mom used to make it" I thought. "Baby what's wrong? Is it not good" Xiumin asks. "No. It's very delicious Hyung. It just reminds me of how mom used to make it" I say and wipe my tears.

"Baby go grab your stuff and boys you too. Hurry up because we are running late," Suho says talking to me, Baekhyun, and Sehun. I quickly grab my backpack and get into the car. Baekhyun gets in beside me and I lay on him because school is far away since it's a werewolf school.

Narrator's POV

The school had dorms for the students that come from different countries or are too far to go every day. They had the 3 separate dorms. The alpha dorm, the beta dorm, and the omega dorm. We didn't have a lot of betas but it was normal.

Most of the alphas and omegas lived off-campus. So that if they go into heat or rut, they won't get taken advantage of/take advantage of the people on campus. Most of the students were from local packs that treated everyone equally and never took advantage of their wolves during heat or rut. Heat was painful especially your first few times. Rut only hurts the first time.

Omegas can produce babies and so can alpha females. Betas can get pregnant as long as their mate is an alpha or they can impregnate an omega. Betas are rarely mated with omegas and the same for two alphas. Anyways, back to the story.

Sehun gets into the front and looks into the back at his two brothers. His baby was asleep on Baek while Baek was asleep with his head on the window and hand caressing Yoongi's face. He smiles at the two and tells Suho to look. Suho glances in the mirror and sees them. He smiles but then gets back to focusing on the road.

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