Before the War

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Lautaro sat down relaxing on the soft monorail seat, or at least tried to.

"Ha ha! I see that this game is in my favour!" The girls loudly played against each other in a game of cards.

"Nein! I will not fail!"

He groaned, raising up his barely re-attached hand up to face to rub his eyes. Took him a while to recover from the incident at the tournament, and he still felt a little sore from his injuries.

Now, the class was on a trip. Y'know, the usual stuff school does, but Lautaro wasn't an ordinary student so he didn't find much appeal to it.

The monorail came to a stop, and the students aboard all got off.

Chifuyu did her thing, telling everyone to regroup back at the train at the scheduled time and let them do whatever they so pleased.

Lautaro was about to walk off to do his own thing until he was confronted by Yamada.

"Uh, Tejedor. A piece was just delivered for you.."

Lautaro stood in front of said luggage, with the nametag which read:

"To: Lautaro Tejedor. By: Secret <3"

"Um.. Lautaro what's this?" Kanzashi appeared beside him.

"I'm not sure, but I have the feeling we should get rid of it.."

"Huh, why?"


The luggage rattled and tipped over, before soon enough, it burst open.

A certain blue haired girl popped out, "Surpris-!"


"Ouchie!" Tatenashi yelped after both Kanzashi and Lautaro had collectively chopped her on the head.

"Big sister! Youuu!" Kanzashi forcibly pushed her sister back into the luggage, slamming it shut.

Then they both threw it back into the truck from which it came, which sped off soon after.

Lautaro stared off at it, "That's why.." He simply said, before walking off by himself. Lautaro tread over to where the others were, hoping to find something to do. Little did he know, this field trip won't be very relaxing.

"Darling!" From behind, he heard a voice call out to him as a certain blonde haired girl came rushing from behind.

"Oh, Cecilia."

Cecilia rushed up to him, clinging to his arm.


Yamada followed behind Chifuyu as the two walked down a path.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Orimura? Has something been bothering you?" Yamada asked her.

"Of course there is.. we have already been the target for several attacks from Phantom Task. Now, I find it hard to do anything without being on edge. Especially since Lautaro's IS had been acting up, we have to be extra careful.." She responded.

"I see.." Yamada stopped for a moment looked off at the trees, leaves slowly falling.


Her gaze turned to her left as she thought she heard rustling from the bushes, however she realized Chifuyu had gotten farther away from her so she ignored it and caught up.


Back with Lautaro and Cecilia, they peacefully walked down another pathway.

"Hey, darling..." Cecilia muttered.

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