IS Academy

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"Alright.. Lautaro Tejedor, Representative Candidate of Spain.. and a male, quite unique, Spaniard." The receptionist said. The young man stood in front of her, staring at her with a blank expression. "You're quite lucky, to any other male this is a dream come true, you can gather quite a lot of fame." She said.

"Fame? You can't eat fame." Lautaro said. The receptionist looked at  him, "R-right, anyways, here's your schedule." She handed him a paper. Lautaro took it and headed off somewhere to change into his uniform. "Mysterious.." The receptionist said.

As Lautaro walked through the hallway, he was greeted by an older woman in a black suit. "Ah, Lautaro, great to finally see you here." She says. Lautaro didn't pay much attention to her just quietly muttered, "Hey, Orimura.." She raises an eyebrow and turns to face him, "Not a talkative one, as always." She chuckles.

Lautaro walked into the class, a young woman with green hair sat down at a desk up front. Lautaro continued into the classroom. He noticed the extreme population of females, only one other boy who sat uncomfortably. As he walked in, the females whispered and murmured to themselves. Lautaro sat down on a desk, hanging his bag on the seat. He waited contently, the other boy looking at him relieved. Class started soon after.

"Hello everyone, I'm your assistant homeroom teacher, Mrs. Maya Yamada." The green haired woman said cheerfully. "From here on out, you are now all proud students of the IS Academy!" She said. "We'll start with name call, alright.." She began to call out names one-by-one. Lautaro observed the room, most of the girls looked usual. Only one stood out which was blonde. The other boy looked around frantically not realizing his name is being called, "O-oh, here!" He said. "If you don't mind would you please introduce yourself?" Yamada asked. 

The boy stood up nervously, "Uh.. Ichika Orimura, nice to meet you all." He said. Yamada continued and then called my name, "Tejedor, how about you introduce yourself?" She asked. Lautaro stood, "I'm Lautaro Tejedor." He said. The girls stared at him, expecting more. Unfortunately they wouldn't get more. "That's all." he said, the girls "aww-ed" in disappointment. Soon after the woman, Chifuyu Orimura stepped into the class, "Ooh, Miss Orimura." Yamada said. "Chi-Chifuyu?!" Ichika said, but as soon as he said that, the woman went up and bonked the top of his head. Seeing that gave Lautaro a vexed expression. "At school, you will call me Miss Orimura." She said. Siblings, huh? Lautaro thought. "W-what, Chifuy-? ACK!" He hit her again, giving Lautaro another irritated expression. Mrs Orimura stepped in front and announced to the class, "Alright, I'm your homeroom teacher, Chifuyu Orimura!" She said. Almost all of the room fangirled excessively. Miss Orimura facepalms, "You got to joking.." She mutters.

"Alright, enough!" She shuts everyone up, "From here on out, you'll be trained in the ways of piloting IS', you got that?" She says. "Yes, ma'am!" The class shouted. "Chifuyu Orimura.. Mondo Grosso Champion.." Lautaro muttered to himself.

Yamada then begins to explain to them what an IS actually is. IS, standing for Infinite Stratos, are giant mechanical suits, used for combat and such. Though they were prohibited from being used for military use. Therefore it's used solely for competition and sport. However, IS' can only be operated by females. That was the case until Lautaro and Ichika popped up.


"Look!" It was after class, the students from other classes had gathered to stare in awe at the two males. Lautaro sat there silently. "Isn't that Representative Candidate of Spain?" A girl murmured. "He looks like such a delinquent, it's making my heart race!" another one said. Lautaro looks over at Ichika, who was talking to a pony-tailed girl was speaking to him. "We need to talk." She told him. The guy nodded, nervously and exited. "Ooh, a love confession..?" A girl stupidly whispers to her friend. Lautaro looked forward at the board, it was a little while before another class started, he decided to try and sleep, hoping he could try and gain a peaceful one for once, though he didn't..

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