Her Little Soldier

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The sounds of pouring water echoed through the dorm.

A certain British girl stood in the shower as water covered her.

Cecilia stared up at the showerhead. 

"I've made an awful mistake..." She was filled with remorse and regret, after eavesdropping on Mrs. Yamada and Mrs. Orimura.

She looked back on the previous events.

Her whole life, she had cleaning up what her parents had left behind for her.

Her parents had been killed in an accident involving a train, leaving her all alone. Sure, she had her maids but it wasn't the same.

"Lautaro... You're like me.." Cecilia pondered.

"You lost your family.. You were left all alone.. I need to make things right.."


Lautaro sat silently on his bed fiddling with a black combat knife in hand, next to him was the suitcase which contained the picture of the little girl from before. 

Lautaro stared at it for a few moments then flipped it upside down, holding it by the tip, before throwing into the wall. Sticking the blade through it.

Lautaro grabbed the hilt and dislodged the knife from the wall.

He looked at the knife, then at the picture of the girl which was in his other hand, then back at the other knife.

He stared deeply at the knife, as memories slowly began fill his thoughts..

6 years ago

Out in a snowy forest outside of a log cabin in Germany. Lautaro and Chifuyu stood across from each other.

 "I want to see for myself." Chifuyu said to Lautaro.

"I want to see if your as good as they say you are."

The young Spaniard looked up at the raven haired woman. Chifuyu reached into a bag and pulled out a certain black combat knife. Tossing down to the snow in front of Lautaro.

"A test. I want to see if your good enough. I want you to take that knife and make me bleed with it. If you can, I'll teach you about the IS, and everything before else." She said.

Lautaro picked the knife up. Stared at it before looking back at Chifuyu. Lautaro bend down and shoveled a patch of snow into his other hand.

"Ready?" Chifuyu said.

Lautaro stood up again.


Lautaro immediately boosted his legs backward, running from tree to tree. Chifuyu stood in front of a tree, her eyes focused.

Suddenly from out behind a tree, a snowball came flying at her direction. Chifuyu simply stepped to the side, evading the snowball. 

'That's all? Really?' Chifuyu thought.

From the trees another snowball appeared, then another, then another. Chifuyu evaded all of them.

Eventually, Lautaro showed himself, clutching a snowball in his hand, glaring at Chifuyu with determination.

He charged at her with the snowball in his other hand while the hand with the knife was behind his back.

"Amateur." Chifuyu chopped him on the head which immediately immobilized him. Making him fall onto the snow face first.

"I knew it.. Were all those little sprees of yours dumb luck or something?" She asked looking down at the boy, focusing down to his hands.

"Wait.." Chifuyu stopped as she noticed something.

"Where's the knife?" The knife was nowhere near Lautaro.

That's when she realized..

Chifuyu looked up to the sky to see the knife in the air, spinning vertically down toward her.


The knife stuck itself into the tree an inch away from her right cheek.

Chifuyu was stunned. Then, a red liquid dripped down her cheek from a small cut. He actually made her bleed, at the first try.

Chifuyu stared down at the boy in impressed and in disbelief. "This kid.." A smirk formed on her face.

"I did it.." The boy finally spoke.

Lautaro slowly rose up from the ground, "You're bleeding.. Now, you, show me.."

Back at the Academy, Present Time

"And that's that." Chifuyu closed her book and got off her bed.

"I took him in as my assistant for awhile while I was busy in Germany and trained him. When we began training, Lautaro was incredibly compliant. He never questioned my training methods or even hesitated, he understood that the trials he would face would be dangerous and that that is what it would take to reach his goals. He may not look like it, but he's plenty skillful and resourceful, probably one of the best in this Academy right now."

"Wow, you and Tejedor sure have a lot of history.." Yamada said, as she sat on her bed which was next to Chifuyu's.

"Yeah, to be honest, I enjoyed having him around. He sort of felt like another little brother." Chifuyu said.

Yamada looked at Chifuyu, "But I have to ask.. Chifuyu, when I looked it up. I couldn't find anything on Lautaro's IS, it's all classified. Surely, you know something right?"

Chifuyu smirked again while changing into her suit. "Sorry Maya but that's a story for another time.." She said.

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