Eye For An Eye

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The students with personal IS units were gathered down in a small canyon, however for some reason Houki was there as well.

"Alright, every with a personal IS unit has been gathered here." Chifuyu began.

"Wait a second ma'am, Houki doesn't have a personal IS unit." Rin spoke up. 

Chifuyu stepped up near Houki, "I'll explain everything." She said to her.

She cleared her throat, "The reason that's she's here is becau-"

But before she could explain, a cheerful could be heard in the distances.

"COWABUNGA!" Someone shouted.

"Oh great.." Chifuyu and Lautaro muttered.

A purple-haired woman slid down the hill and jumped into the air.

"Chi-chaaan!" She shouted as she dived right for Chifuyu only for Chifuyu to grab her by the forehead and put her down.

"Hello~ Hello~ Hello~! Chi-chan, oh I missed you so much! Please remove your iron claw from my poor bunny head!" The girl waved her arms around, she had a pair of mechanical bunny ears on the top of her head.

Everyone stared at her with a sweat drop.

"Would you just shut up, Tabane?" Chifuyu said, releasing Tabane.

"Dojyaa~n! Hi there!" Tabane said to Houki who was hiding behind a rock.

"Yes.. Hello.." Houki grumbled.

"It's been so long! I can't believe how much bigger you've gotten! *Gasp* Ooh, especiailly your tittie-!"


"Owwie!" Houki smacked Tabane with a shinai.

"I will so hit you!" Houki threatened.

"Ow! But you already diiiid! Houki's so mean, right Lau-kun?!" Tabane whined, looking at Lautaro.

"Why the hell are you asking me..?" Lautaro stared.

Tabane stood up at twirled, "Hello everybody! I'm Tabane Shinonono the genius, but you can call me Onee-san! That's it." She said putting her hands on her hips.

"This is Tabane..?" Cecilia asked, disappointed.

"The Tabane Shinonono?" Laura whispered.

"Hehehe!" Tabane's eye sparkled.

"Alright, everyone look up to the Heavens!" Tabane pointed.

Everyone look up into the sky as something fell.

A giant rhombus fell and crashed right into the ground in front of everyone.

"DOJYAA~N! This is Houki's personal unit, the Akatsubaki!" Tabane opened it to reveal an inactive red IS.

"All of it's specs are super above the current models and it's handmade by me! It's a 4th generation type IS that I created especially for my adorable little sister!" She continued.

"4th Generation?" Charlotte commented.

"No way, we've only been able to create 3rd Generation models!" Cecilia shouted in disbelief.

"Yet, she's already made one.." Lautaro finished.

*Click* "Okay, Houki pokey! Let's go ahead and start!" Tabane opened the IS so that Houki could climb inside.

Houki nervously stepped forward, climbing inside.

Tabane was typing on some sort of holographic computer incredibly fast.

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