Enemy Of My Enemy Is A Friend

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Tatenashi opened the door to the empty student council room.

"We'll discuss here. All alone.." She said, sitting herself down on the meeting table with her legs crossed.

Lautaro just stood there in front of her, arms crossed.

"First. What was your real intended goal? You obviously needed me for more then just the Student Council." Lautaro asked her first.

Tatenashi put her hands behind her head and laid her back down against the table.

"Alright, I'll tell you. But you have to keep it a secret, this is highly classified and if it gets leaked we might have to kill you!" She joked, sticking a bit of her tongue out.

"Wouldn't be the first time someone said that to me." Lautaro told her.

Tatenashi sat up, "Alright, first things first! I am the 39th leader of the Sarashiki family. Behind the cover of a traditional family with a long history, it's actually a secret organization fighting against another secret organization that you obviously know as Phantom Task!" Tatenashi revealed whilst holding her index finger up.

"So, all that shit about joining the Student Council was just a recruitment ploy? You actually wanted me to become an agent for the Shirashiki Organization?" Lautaro put his hands to his sides.

"Indeed! You have quite an agenda on yourself. A couple days ago, before summer ended, there were reports of deceased unknown military soldiers, which were obviously Phantom Task operatives, in the city, one of the construction buildings were busted up. Two police officers stated that they witnessed what seemed to be another one of them, which shouted for help before being killed by an unknown. And the day after that another one was found in a water park!" 

She continued.

"And that's not all! There have been reports of strange happening for the past two years! An unidentified military transport aircraft was shot down, seemingly cut into two by some laser. Quite ruthless now, aren't you?"

Lautaro pondered.

"So what do you say?" Tatenashi reached out her hand.

"What will I gain from joining you again?" Lautaro asked.

Tatenashi smiled, "All our information on Phantom Task, that will make your little revenge story will a lot easier."

Lautaro thought to himself.. before extending his arm and grabbing hers.

"I accept." He told her.

"Excellent!" Tatenashi hopped off of the table, and went over to a wall.

She projected Mysterious Lady's arm onto hers, and clicked some keys, causing a portion of the wall to open up and reveal a passage way.

"This is the entrance to the secret underground facility built exclusively for the organization!" Tatenashi stepped up to Lautaro, taking out a cord and hooking it to Lautaro's right hand.

"Now, you access to it as well! Also another thing, as I mentioned before I am the head of the Shirashiki family, meaning that I'm also the leader of the organization, which makes me your boss!" She pointed teasingly.

Lautaro stared then facepalmed, "Give me a break.."

"Oh come on! I'm a good leader!" Tatenashi whined.

"Do I look like the type of guy to follow orders from someone?" Lautaro genuinely asked.

"Huh, I guess not. You do really seem like a usual anti authority figure, that's definitely one of your hot points! But anyway, we're getting off topic."

Tatenashi escorted Lautaro down to the facility. 

Lautaro looked down at his wrist...

He trailed back in memory, remembering the face of Autumn and the IS of that other Phantom Task operative.

He remembered way he harbored so much hatred for them.. and the expression on his face began to twist into animosity and rage.

"I'll kill them... I'll kill them all..." 

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