Part 1 - Heroes Of Earth

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"I can't look away, from all this pain in the world we made"

It is a cold, bleak day on Irk. But that's a normal day around here. Everyone is doing their jobs, working tirelessly. It's all they ever do. Since the beginning, Irk's always been: work, obey, invade, conquer. Everywhere, the shrieking, clanging sounds of metal and machinery echoed across the vast work spaces. The sound of spaceships whirring across the empty, black void of space. The sound of laser guns being fired and laser swords being clashed. Everyone ignored it. Their used to it. Everyone here has different jobs that contribute to the greater good, but that doesn't mean everyone enjoys it. Suddenly, one of the members from the announcement team made a planet wide announcement. "Attention all Irkens: Please make your way towards the meeting hall for a mandatory meeting. We have a very dire and serious announcement to make." All of the Irkens were slightly confused. This hasn't happened in a long time. They made their way to the hall. An Irken Manager Person came to the stage. "Attention everyone!! BE QUIET!" Everyone went silent. "It's been a while since we heard from our Mighty Irken Armada and the Massive, as they were originally continuing their route to visit planets recently conquered for Operation Impending Doom II, and a few days ago...we completely lost signal with it. This meant that something had completely destroyed the Massive and the Armada, and everyone on it. The horrendous news I have to share with you today: Your all powerful leaders, Almighty Tallest Red and Almighty Tallest Purple...have died." Everyone gasped. A blue-eyed, curly antennaed Irken named Bel in the crowd was shocked. "Red and Purple are dead...but how? There is something really suspicious about this..." The Irken on stage continued speaking. "All the sources we were able to gather show that they were stuck in a deadly Florpus hole, and the alternate reality colliding sent them in a spinning ball of fire as the ship was destroyed and their molecules were torn apart, and they weren't able to make it out. As all of you know, we will be on the hunt for a new Tallest, but it is not an easy task. We haven't been able to find any Irkens as tall or taller than Red and Purple, so we're working hard to fix that. For now, we have our faithful Admiral of the Irken army...Jak, willing to temporarily fill the spot as we search for our planet's new leader. Everyone wiggle your antennae in salute...for Admiral Jak. Your temporary new Tallest." Everyone cheered, except Bel. "That statement still makes no sense to me." Jak came onto the podium. "Greetings everyone. You all know me, the relentless leader of the Irken Army. Due to this unfortunate passing, we will have to find a new Tallest. I may not be as tall as Red or Purple, but I am a strong leader, and will bring our race to ultimate conquest. You have nothing to fear. Just trust me, and keep yourselves safe. Who knows what threats will be upon us if other races find out our leaders are dead..." Everyone was getting worried. Bel looked next to her. "Oh no...they're going to kill us all!" "What?! No they won't! It's really not that big of a deal. We're a big race, and we have a strong military. No one will hurt us, he's just making stuff up to make you feel unsafe." "Well maybe he's right. He's an admiral. I trust him with my life." "You shouldn't. Sure, he's an admiral, but that doesn't mean he's completely right and all-knowing. No one is all-knowing! He's suspicious, and I don't trust him." "You're crazy. I'm sure you'll be the first one to go." "I think you're blind if you can't see through his disguise he's clearly put on."

It had been a couple months since Jak had been put in charge. He had created a bunch of crazy, strange rules that everyone had to follow, and Bel wasn't buying it. He seemed super suspicious to her, and she saw him as a liar and a fraud. He kept making empty promises to everyone that weren't true. A lot of people had called her crazy and delusional, but she knew that the way Jak was running things wasn't right, and she wasn't going to sit and ignore it. "I have to do something, and I have to do it now." She said, while a bunch of Irkens were running around with measuring tapes, measuring every Irken they saw. One got to Bel. "Dude, I've been measured a hundred times. I'm clearly not in line to be Tallest." He measured her anyway. "Yeah, you aren't tall enough." He recognized her. "Wait, are you the one that's calling Jak a fraud?" "Yes. Because he is one." He laughed. "Yeah, good luck with that one. He's clearly looking out for everyone. Better than what Red and Purple did. They just sat around and ate snacks all day." "Well, yeah, but he's taking things to a whole other level. He's forcing people to do things, and rewarding the people who do them." "Well yeah, that's called 'obeying your leader'." "But not like that." "Well, what are you gonna do? Start a rebellion? Your one Irken pilot girl, you can't take on the entire Irken guard plus Jak. You'll get yourself killed!" "Yeah, well..." Suddenly,Bel got an idea, and it was like a spark had light up inside of her. "Start a rebellion you say?" "Yeah, but it's not like you can." "We'll see.." She said under her breath.

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