Part 7 - The Hallow World - The Rise of Irk Halloween Special

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(Asterisks will appear at a part in the book. This is to represent a flashback.)

(And YES, even though this is a seasonal holiday special, this chapter IS canon to the actual story, and contains important plot info.)

"Like a hand grenade, thrown in a hurricane"

. It was Halloween night. Everyone was getting ready to get in costumes, go trick or treating, and just have fun. The gang decided to throw a halloween party at Dib's house. Zim was a vampire, Dib was a Mothman, Bel was an ocean beast from a web series Star showed her, Star was a wolf girl from her favorite movie series, Kelsey was a barbie doll, Mini-Moose had a fedora on, and GIR was a Skeleton Dog. He was still adorable though. Gaz was wearing all white with stains on her shirt and pants and said she was "a killer ghost". Practically everyone in the school was there, eating food, playing games, and having fun. "This is awesome! Great idea Bel!" Star said. "Thanks! I'm glad everyone is having fun." Star looks at her hand and notices her ring is missing. "Oh no! My ring! It must have fallen off on my paper plate and gotten thrown away with the rest of the trash. I'm gonna go check real quick. "Alright! Hope you find it!" Suddenly, Bel looked over to see GIR had stolen
everyone's candy, and was gobbling it up like there was no tomorrow. "Oh no.*laughs a little* Zim, you might wanna deal with that." "Eh?" Zim looked over and saw it. "GIR! Stop this! You're gonna make yourself sick! And I don't plan on cleaning your robot puke." Zim yelled at GIR. "MAH CANDY!" GIR yelled back at Zim. "NO, GIR!" Zim yelled as he tried to get GIR away from the candy, but slipped and fell in the mess. He caught himself yelling again. "Ehem. Sorry, GIR. But you are going to have to clean this up. Like, NOW." GIR just handed him a candy bar, laughed, and ran away. Meanwhile, Star was checking the trash in the back of the house. "Hmm. Where is it?" She looked at all the stuff. "Dang, Dib put a lot of stuff back here. Suddenly, a glowing red and silver collar caught her eye. "Ooh, what's this?" She picked it up. "It's really cool." She opens the lock and puts it on. It makes a beep noise as it locks around her neck. "Oh geez, that's tight."  She looks at a cracked mirror next to her. "It looks cool with my costume, though!" Suddenly, her hand starts to disappear. "Woah, wait-WHAT?!" She vanished, and a few seconds later, she reappeared. She caught her breath after a few seconds. "I...I need to tell the gang!" She ran back over to them. "Hey Star! Cool collar!" "Thanks, I found it in the trash. "Ew." "But then it like, made me disappear and see some weird spooky thing, and I don't know what it was! And I can't get it off!" She tugged on it. Dib and Zim see this. "What is going on over here?" Dib says. Zim gets up from the mess, and comes over. Suddenly, they both see the collar, and have faces of trauma and horror. "OH NO." Zim said. "What?! What's oh no?!" " that..?" Zim asked. "The crazy collar. STAR! WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT?!" Dib said. "IN YOUR TRASH! WHICH, BY THE WAY, NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OUT!" "WELL..GET IT OFF!" "I CAN'T!!" Zim and Bel were yanking on it, but it wasn't budging. Suddenly, Star's hand was starting to disappear, and they all disappeared in a flash. Kelsey came over. "Hey Star, where is my-" She looked around. "Star? Oh well, whatever." She shrugged as she met up with her other friends.

When they reappeared, they were in the monster world. However, it looked different from the world that existed in Dib's head. Star's wolf ears had fallen off. "Where....are we?!" "We're in the monster world..." Zim said. "But it's different..." Dib replied. "The world exists in my it must exist in Star's too because we're related, I guess..." "Why did you put on that collar?!" Zim yelled. "I didn't know it had superpowers on it! Well, there is a way out right?!" "Yes, but it isn't pleasant. We are in a world where monsters are trying to kill us!!!" Dib said. "Yes, I should know, since SOMEBODY threw me under the bus and USED ME AS A LIVING SACRIFICE!" "Hang on, You are STILL mad about that? GET OVER IT! I DIDN'T WANT A HOLE BLOWN THROUGH MY HEAD!" "NEITHER DID I! AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE PORTAL, SO IT WOULD'VE JUST KILLED ME!" "OH MY GOSH, SHUT UP!!" Bel yelled. Zim and Dib stopped. "Look, fighting and playing the blame game isn't going to get us out of here. We need to work together to get out of here and go home, as cheesy as that sounds." Everyone started yelling on top of each other, when suddenly, they saw a flash of black, purple, and orange go by. "What was that?!" Bel said. "Luna.." "Who's Luna?" "I..she will be looking for me. Cause I have the..." She finally ripped off the collar and took a big breath, being able to breathe normally now."Bel..?" "Yes..?" "I'm so sorry!" She put the collar on Bel and ran away. "STAR?! WHAT IN THE-?!" Zim and Dib are speechless, but make a run for it. Suddenly, in a flash, a teenage girl appeared. She had orange hair tied in a high ponytail, a stained, striped pink and white shirt, a dark purple jacket, ripped black jeans, and black platform boots with silver chains on them. She had black fairy-like wings with purple and deep red roses in the middle, and dark purple eyes. "Oh, it's been so long since a human came here. It's been boring, not gonna lie." Suddenly, she looked at Bel. "Oh, you finally showed up! The chosen one grandma always talked about. Weird, I swear she said you were a boy..." "Look, lady, I don't think I'm the one you've been looking for. My friend found this collar, and she-" "Oh, little miss good girl! I know Star." She got a realization and gasped. "Wait a minute, you must be Bel! Star's little alien friend! Nice to meet ya, name's Luna Bitters. A little...childhood friend of Star's." She shook Bel's hand. "Bitters?! Are you related to-" As Luna talked again, Bel looked quite annoyed that Luna kept interrupting her. "Anyway, you are very important around here, you're the one with the flashing neck collar. We've got big plans for you..." She grinned evilly, as Bel looked worried now. "Chop chop, we've got places to be." She clapped her hands, and they vanished without a trace.

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