Part 4 - The Human Invader

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"Spinning in chaos trying to escape the flame"

The girls were headed to their dorm. Star had it hidden in her backpack. When they got there, Star messaged Dib, saying, "Hey. We may have found something huge. Come to our dorm ASAP." She sent it. She sighed. "Is this gonna be bad?" "It may be. Hopefully it won't be. Once Dib gets here, we'll figure this out." Bel replied. "Ok." "Should we tell Zim about this?" She asked. "Oh heck no. He'll freak out! We need to keep this a secret from him. For his own good." "Ok."

A few minutes later, Dib knocked on the door. "Hey! I came as soon as I could. What's up?" "We were walking through the park, and found this buried in the ground." She pulled it out of her backpack. "Woah. Is that one of those PAKs?" "Yes, and we want to see what's going on with it. Maybe we can..." Bel looked at Dib. "Can I use your laptop for a second?" "Sure, go ahead." He pulled it out of his backpack. Bel put the computer on the table, took the PAK, and connected the wires to the laptop. "Dib's Computer, analyze. Who did this PAK belong to?" The computer was running. "Evaluation: None." It replied. "None?" Bel looked. "No way...but how?" "What did you find?" Star asked. "This PAK is...blank." "Blank? Who did it belong to then?" "No one. It's just blank. I've never seen anything like it. I didn't even know Irkens could wipe a PAK blank." "Wow. That's-" Suddenly, Zim opened the door. Star ran in front of the table, hiding the PAK with herself. "What's going on in here?! Dib worm, why did you leave so quickly?" "Nothing! Nothing. Now leave Zim!" "YOU'RE LYING!! YOU'RE LYING TO ZIIIMM!!" "We're not lying, now please leave!" As they were arguing, the PAK extended it's wires, and attached to Star. But no one noticed. Except her. She felt it hard. She just acted like nothing happened, because she was hoping nothing happened. "Ok, we're doing something, you need to leave, bye!" "I WILL NOT LEAVE UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Bel got a cup of water from the sink, without letting it touch her, and splashed it on Zim. "AAH! IT BURNS!! IT BURNS!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!" And he ran out of the room. They closed the door and locked it. "Whew! That was a close one." Star moved out of the way. "Now let's-" She looked over. "Uh, where did the PAK go?" "Uh....Star?!" "What?" She felt behind her. "AAHH! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!" "Uh, ok!! Don't panic!! We can get this off!" Bel pulled on it, and thick wires came, but the PAK wouldn't budge. "WHY'S IT NOT COMING OFF?!" "If I pull it any further, it'll either break or SERIOUSLY hurt your back! But we need to get it off of you! Your DNA isn't compatible with the Irken tech! It could kill you!!" "AHH! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!" "It's ok! Freaking out will just make it worse! Calm down." She took a deep breath. "Ok! Ok! I'm good. I'm good." "Well, now we only have 7 minutes to see what happens, and hopefully you won't die." "Uh...ok..."

7 minutes later, they checked on Star, who was sitting in her room. "Hey! Do you feel ok?" Bel asked. "I feel fine, just a bit strange." "Hang is that possible?" "How's what possible?" "You've had that thing on for 10 minutes, but you're fine. Normally, other species can't survive with Irken tech for that long." "Huh. That's...interesting." She stood up. "Hey, do I look different to you guys?" "Uh, no. Just a tiny bit paler." Dib replied. "Ok..." Suddenly, she put her hand on her mouth. "Star! You ok?!" "Yeah, I'm fine, my teeth just hurt a lot." She opened her mouth a little, revealing her teeth. Bel and Dib were speechless. "What?! What's with that look?!" " can't be possible.." "What?! Bel, tell me what's going on!!" "Your teeth are sharper and Irken teeth..." "Hang on..I'M TURNING IRKEN?!" "Maybe?!" "AAH!" She was panicking. "But I'm human!! No offense, but I DON'T WANNA TURN INTO AN ALIEN!!" "No offense taken, but we just need to...ugh, I don't know! This has never happened before!!" Bel was starting to panic now too. "Should we tell your Tallest? Maybe they could help!" Star said. "What?! No!! If we call them, they'll know our location, and take me and the Revo's to SPACE JAIL!!" "True, ok let's not do that then. Well, then what do we do?!" "Just stay calm, try to figure this out, and hopefully everything can go back to normal soon." Dib said. They sighed. "Ok."

It had been 2 days, and things had only gotten worse. "AAAAAHHH!!!" Bel heard a scream coming from the bathroom. "Star?! What's wrong!?!" "MY EARS!! WHERE ARE MY EARS?!" She pulled back her hair, revealing two antennas. "Ugh, you have antennas now too?!" Star held them up, as this is the first time she had seen them. "Bel, I don't mean to overreact, BUT I'M FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!" "It's ok, you have every right to freak out!! Just try not to freak out too much..." Bel stopped as she saw a streak of Star's hair had turned green, along with a patch of her skin. "Ugh, now what's wrong with me?!" "We really need to figure this out, cause it's getting out of hand." "You think? Maybe we should get the school nurse." "Star, the nurse knows how to deal with humans, not with humans turned aliens." "True. Well, then what are we gonna do about this?" "Hmm. Dib's dad is that famous scientist, right?" "Yeah, he's my Uncle." "Oh right. Maybe he could help us?" "Maybe, but he's usually really busy. He doesn't really even know me that well." "Well, it's worth a shot. School's about to start, and we can't miss class, so I have this for you." Bel pulled out a small metal circle. "What is it?" "It's a holo-disguiser. I can't do full disguise, but I can hide your skin color. I use it to hide my green skin. I made an extra one for you. Just don't get it wet." "Ok! That's actually pretty genius." "Aw, thanks!" "But what about my antennas?" "Just tuck them behind your hair. You may need to paint the bottom of it yellow though." "Why? My hair's changing color?" "Yes, it's changing to green, then it's going to disappear." "WHAT?! WHY?!" "Cause Irkens don't have hair?" "Oh yeah. What will we do if I fully transform?" "I'll use my disguise simulator for you. It'll give you a disguise that will look just like you did before." She sighed. "Ok."

A few minutes later, they walked into english class. "Just act normal. You are normal." "Ok." "Alright everyone! Take a seat. We don't have anything planned today, so today's class can be a free day! We'll resume class tomorrow." Ms. Sarah announced. Bel and Star were just doodling on paper, when Star dropped her pencil. "Star, you good?" "This thing is starting to irritate me." "Well don't touch it! It might make it deactivate!" "Girls, is everything ok over here?" Ms. Sarah said as she walked to their desk. "Yup! Totally normal." Bel said, nervous. "Yeah, normal." "Ok..."

After school, they went to Dib's house. Membrane was in his lab, working on stuff. "Hey Dad. Got a minute?" "Ah, hello Dib! Sure, what do you need?" Bel and Star walked in. "Hey Uncle Membrane!" "Hello, Star. Who's your little friend here?" "This is Bel. She's the one who helped me stop Zim's alien shrinking plan!" "Son, how many times must I tell you, there are no aliens! I do appreciate your imagination, but consider trying REAL SCIENCE!!" "Yeah, ok. Anyways, Star has a bit of a problem, and we need your help." "Ok, what seems to be the issue? Nothing real science can't fix!!" Star removed her disguiser. "Oh my. I've never seen that before." "Yeah, it's coming from this PAK. Can you help remove it?" "I can try." He pulled on it, tried disconnecting it, tried everything, but it wouldn't budge. "I'm sorry Star, but I can't get it off. You're just going to have to try something else." "What?! But we don't know anyone else to go to!!" "Star, you're just going to have to figure this out yourself. Use REAL SCIENCE!!!" "Ugh, ok. Thanks anyways." And they left. As they were walking back to campus, they were talking. "How are we going to fix this?! We don't know anyone we can go to! Why is this so hard?!" "Star, just calm down. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together." Bel smiled. "Yeah, you're right." She smiled back.

The next morning, Bel knocked on Star's door. "Star? I made you eggs! I think that's what these are. I don't know, Dib showed me." Dib was also knocking on her door. "Star, come out. We won't be rude! We love you just the way you are." "I don't wanna come out." She said. "Come on Star, you'll have to come out eventually. Besides, I got my disguiser back up and running!" "Ugh, ok." She opened the door. "Woah. Uh, yeah, we can fix that." Star now had green skin, yellow eyes, and antennas, which she tried to pull down, but they just poked right back up. "This is an interesting new look for me." "Yeah, but you still Star." Bel said."Really?" "You're not ugly Star, you're just changed." Dib replied. "This is still SO weird for me though. My cousins an an alien..." Dib was kinda shocked. "I'm gonna...step out for a sec." He walked out. "Is he ok?" "Yes, this is just a lot for him to take in." She laughed a little. "Hey, can we get the disguise-r thing to work?" "Yeah, of course! We'll go ahead and get it running." They turned it on, and Star came out, looking just like she did before. She looked in the mirror. "Wow! This is perfect! Thanks guys. For all the support." "Of course! Anything for my best friend." Bel smiled. "Guys, I don't mean to be rude, but we need to get to class." Dib said, as he walked back in. "Oh! Yes. Let's go." They left for class. Though Star felt different, and out of place, she knew she would be ok, because she had her friends, and they weren't going to let anything bad happen to her.


(Sorry, this one was a little shorter)

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