Author's Letter

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Dear Readers...

Hello! I'd like to say a few things. Stick with me if you don't mind.

Listen, I know Invader Zim is supposed to be just a funny, dark show. It's not supposed to have a story, or emotional character development, or anything of the like. But after joining the fandom and reading head-canons and seeing so many fans do such an epic take on a show like this, it fuels my passion for it all the more.

This is an INCREDIBLY dedicated fandom, and I'm so glad I get to be apart of it and get to make my mark. I wanted to do MY take on Invader Zim, the way I view the world and the characters. And BOY what a trip it's been writing this story. This story took almost 3 years to complete, and a lot went down on the way to completion.

But I've loved EVERY second of it.

Getting to rebuild one of my favorite fictional worlds has been SO fun, and the fact that a lot of people are here for it makes me really happy. Don't believe me? We have 621 reads as of 4/8/23. Not only that, but for around 3 or 4 months, this story was in the Top 100 Invader Zim fanfictions AND Top 100 Cliffhanger Stories, highest rank being #64 for Invader Zim stories. (Which, by the way, is out of roughly 214,000 Invader Zim stories.) That's awesome.

Anyway, I just wanna say thanks for being here. You guys are awesome, and I'm so glad you stuck around for this. These characters mean the world to me, and I love getting to develop them and bring them into a new environment, especially Zim and Dib. Giving them the development they really needed was a total treat.

And before I go, I just want to give you a little teaser.

This story ISN'T over yet.

There's still so many doors to be opened. So don't worry.

The gang will return.

Threat To The Throne: The Rise Of Irk Special is coming soon, I promise! Just waiting for the cover to be done! 

Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you all around!


Like Invader Zim? Check out:

The Rise Of Irk: Threat To The Throne


Agent_Mothman's PARANORMAL LOG

Like my writing? Check out:

The Legend Of Oceana Cove (In Progress)

World Zero

Sisters Of Enchantia: The Series

Ruins Of Entrada: The Series

The Mind Void (On Hold)

The Epics Of Dewdrop - Coming December 14th, 2023

Marvel One Shots

Dead Men Tell No Tales: A Collab Book with Tem and Peppermint - COMING SOON

World Zero: Season 2 - COMING SOON


Discord Servers

Do you like Roleplay? Well, do you like Fantasy? Then do I have the Server for you! Join "Sisters Of Enchania" today! (The series is based on the server)-

Do you like more of an eerie, post apocalyptic vibe? Join "Ruins Of Entrada", owned by Tem, here!(The series is also based on the server) : 

And join our Dead Men Tell No Tales server here! -

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