Part 10 - The Search For The Truth

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"Sometimes it's crazy to fight for what you believe, but you can't give up, no, if you wanna keep what you love"

Tak stood in shock. "! How did you find me?! How are you still alive?!" "Once you've been in Moo-Ping 10 enough times, it just keeps getting easier to escape." "I'm not sure weather to be impressed or concerned by that." She smirked. He laughed a little under his breath. "It's good to see you again, Tak." "Hang on, I was banished to Planet Dirt 6 years ago, and you're just now finding me?!" "Hey, it wasn't easy. You left to become an Invader, I went to do my own thing, realized the empire's been lying to us, started a rebellion, everyone quit like losers, and got in jail. I heard you got banished, but I was busy developing an escape plan. Then I was going to come find you." "Eh, fair enough excuse." Suddenly, Jek rushed in. "Hey, sorry I'm late. Had some things to take care of." "Oh, is this who you were waiting for?" He asked."Woah, who's this?" Jek responded.  "Jek, this is my brother, Tek. Tek, this is Jek, my-" "Oh, you got a boyfriend?" "Uh, no, he is not my boyfriend, we're just..." She looked a little upset. "" She looked at Jek, but then went back into focus. "Do you even have a dorm yet, Tek?" "Yes, but they need to give me my schedule and whatever." "Ok, well, me and Jek have a game to sabotage, so I'll meet up with you later." "Ok, dorm 103." "103, got it." And he left. Jek looked at Tak. "Interesting brother you got there." "Yeah, he's a unique one." She was looking at Jek. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Oh, no reason...I just..." She blushed a little. "Are you serious right now?! I knew it!" "Look, nothing has to change, it's just-" "No, I knew this would happen. It always does. You trust someone for a few months, and then they like you. You are ridiculous, I can't with this." "But couldn't we just try?" "Be realistic, Tak. You can't just like someone and then run off to fairy land and have all your dreams come true. Zim and Star think that, and we got that close to killing him. I'm sorry, it's just not going to happen. My life is messy enough, I don't need you to make it worse." He walked off. She ran back to her dorm, tears in her eyes. As she closed the door, and turned around, Tek was standing there. "So, you got a crush." He said, sarcastically. "What? I-" "Saw the whole thing happen. It was ridiculously stupid." He stood up and walked towards her. "You've never been one to have feelings. At all. Irkens don't feel things, except for revenge, anger, and dominance. Irkens don't feel love. Love is weak." "I know, I thought so too. But I met him, and it just...changed me. People don't appreciate me. No one acknowledges me..or even cares about me. I've bottled in my emotions my entire life. I'm ready to let them out. Even if it's just a little bit."  He rolled his eyes and headed towards the door. "This planet's changed you. You're not the sister I used to know." "Well, I've changed, and you're just going to have to accept that!" "Yeah, ok. Good luck with you're boy crush. See what happens when people try to kill him." And he left, without another word.

The next day, Zim was walking with Star after school. "So..your game went good last night!" "Yeah, and you did a good job with your 'cheering'." "Thanks. Hey, I have something I want to show you." "Ok." They rode in the voot cruiser, flying high so people wouldn't notice them. They landed at a cute little garden near a house on the lake. "Wow, this is...cute." "Thanks, it's my house!" "You live here?" "Yes! This is my little fairy garden." "Fairy garden? I don't see any fairies." He smirked. She laughed. "It's just an expression." She looked off into the sunset. "Hey Zim?" "Yes?" "Have you ever felt..out of place?" "What do you mean?" She sighed. "I don't..feel like I belong anywhere. Like, my whole life people have hated me for being a 'suckup' and a 'goody miss two shoes', but they've never even met me. And I was a normal girl til this alien device got stuck to me. I feel like..a completely different person. And I feel like no one wants me anywhere." He sighed. "I've felt that feeling my entire life. No one's wanted me anywhere,  because I'm basically a jinx. Everywhere I go, bad things follow. I practically destroy anything I touch. Give me a chance and I can mess up a good thing."He sighed, and looked at her. "I've never told anyone this, but I trust you." She looked a little concerned. "Ok..?" "I'm a defected Irken. Normal Irkens don't feel love, but I do. I feel it for you. My mission was a lie, and my Tallest lied just so I'd die and be away from them, and I let my ego get so big I refused to believe my trusted leaders were lying to me. I got enjoyment on picking on Dib, and it made me forget for a second that everyone hates me." She looked at him, and held his hand. "I don't hate you." He smiled. "I know."

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