Part 5 - New Feelings, New Connections

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"I can't keep it hidden like a secret"

Star and Bel were at their lockers, just talking. "I'm glad we got the whole alien thing sorted out." Bel said. "Yeah, me too. It's kinda cool, but I kinda want to go back to normal." "Well, maybe we can figure out how to get you back to normal eventually." "Yeah, I hope so." Then, Zim came up to Star's locker. "Oh! Hey Zim." "Hello Star! How are...things?" "Oh, good..." Things got really awkward. "Well, I should get to class. It was nice seeing you, Zim." "Yeah, it was nice seeing you too." Star walked off, and Zim stood in silence for a minute. Bel looked at him. "Uh, hey, I meant to ask you a while ago...can we be 'cool' now? Since you and Star are hanging out more, and she's my best friend, I don't really want to remain enemies." "Sure. I don't care." And he walked off. "Uh, ok."

After class, Bel and Star were putting things in their lockers, ready for lunch, when a note and a flower fell out of Bel's locker. "Ooh! Someone wrote you a note!" "Really? I wonder who." She opened it. It read "Hey Bel! Meet me outside at the field at 10 P.M. tonight. -Dib P.S. hope you like the flower :)" Bel blushed a little. "Aw! I wonder if Dib likes you." She noticed Bel blushing. "Bel..? Do you like him back??" "What!? No. Love is a weakness. It always has been. I don't need love." She thought about it. "Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what love is supposed to feel like." "Well, when a boy and a girl like each other, they do nice things for each other, like Dib gave you a flower. They write you notes, and you get that butterfly feeling inside." Bel stopped. "So..?" Star said. "I think I like Dib." Bel replied."EEE! I can help you with your first crush!" "No no no, that's not good Star!" "What?! Yes it is! You like a boy!" "Well, no it..." Bel sighed. "Love is practically outlawed on Irk. No one feels 'love'. Which I think is why things are so...strange between you and Zim." "Well, I..." "I know you like him. It's really clear." "It is?! Does he know?!" "I'm not sure, but I think he's considering trying to like you back. It's just hard for him because of the whole 'no love' thing. It's even harder for Zim. He's been through military and seen a LOT of things as Irken Enemy #1." "Oh my. I didn't know that." "But I know one thing. He doesn't act like Irken Enemy #1 when he's around you. You two have something, it's just not here yet." She smiled. "I think you just gave advice you needed to hear for yourself. You'll never know if you and Dib will work out unless you try! Screw that whole 'no love' thing. I think you should tell Dib how you feel. I'm sure he feels the same way." "An alien and a human? It won't ever work, especially if he's like an Alien HUNTER!" "He only doesn't like Zim because they have...history together. Painful, crazy history. At least from what I hear. He really seems to like you. I think you're the exception to his rule for himself." "I needed to hear that. Thanks Star. I hope things work out between you and Zim too." She smiled. "Thanks."

It was late at night in the dorms. Dib was reviewing some conspiracies on his laptop. Zim walked in to the door and crashed onto the bed. "Woah, where have you been?! It's 11:30!" Dib said. "Walking around. Thinking. Trying to clear my head." "You need to clear your head? You've been acting real weird lately, Zim. What's your deal?" "I don't know. I" "Come on, just say it. You are clearly hiding something." "Things have been so....weird with me and Star. I want it to stop." "Then talk to her about it." "No! Cause..." " you like her..?" "NO! For the love of Tallests, NO! Love is a weakness, love is a weakness, I'M NOT IN LOVE!" He threw a pillow against the wall. Dib sat in silence for a minute. "Ehem...sorry." "What makes you think you're not in love?" "Love is banned on Irk. It always has been and always will be. I can't be in love. I let my guard down for one second and that's when everyone attacks. Besides, me and Star are just friends! We just hang out a lot and do...friend things! I just like being around her because she's sweet and nice, and her hair is such a unique color, and her smile makes everything feel happy, and when she wears her glasses, it makes her look a stinky human, and more like a good human. And when she laughs, she always sounds like she's having the best day of her life, and I....Oh No." Zim laid on the bed. "Oh no..." "Have you ever told anyone any of this before?" "No....I haven't." "Why'd you tell me? You HATE me!" "I...don't know." Zim sighed. "Forget you heard any of that. No one can know I told you ANY of that." "Then why'd you tell me?" "I don't know! I guess I've been bottling it in for 4 weeks, it felt really nice to let it all out. I just...let it out to the wrong person." Dib sighed. "Look man, I won't tell anyone. I've never seen you like this before. Even if we hate each other, I swear to keep stuff like that a secret." Zim was silent for a minute. "Thanks." "If I'm being honest, you should tell Star this stuff. I'm sure she'll feel the same way." "You really think so?" "Yeah." "But I can't. She can never know." "Ok. Well, I'd wait until you're comfortable telling her." He sighed."Ok."

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