Part 2 - A New Beginning

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"Our future's here and now"

Bel was fixing up her base when someone knocked on the door. "One second!!" She put her new and improved disguise on. She was taller now, and had a teal hoodie with dark blue joggers and her irken black boots. She opened it. "Hello? Oh, hey Dib." "Hey! I like the new look." "Thanks. Wanted to try something new." "Well, you look great. You should hurry, we shouldn't be late for our first day of High School." "Oh, yes! I'll be right out. Pets are allowed right?" "Yes." "Ok." She ran back inside and packed her things. "Alright. You ready, Elise?" "YEAH!!!" Elise said as she put her disguise on and climbed on Bel's shoulder. "Alright, let's go." She opened the door as a bus pulled in. "Alright, come on kids, let's go!" The bus driver said. They got on the bus. They looked over and saw Zim. He looked mostly the same, but had a purple hoodie on. "Ugh, is Zim really coming too?!" "Yeah, I'm confused as to why he's going to the new high school instead of trying to destroy the world." "Yeah, I'm not surprised he hasn't invaded it yet though." "Heh, yeah, not when we're here to stop him." They sat down. "Where is the new school anyway?" "I don't know, but I know it's out of town." "Cool." When they got there, they got out of the bus as the teacher was making sure everyone was here. "Ok, everyone's here. Hello students! My name is Ms. Laura. I'm one of the teachers here at the new high school! Not everyone got to come, by the way. You all are the select group of students that get to come here! Welcome to East HarringtonHigh! Home of the Royales!" "Why the team name? It doesn't even make sense, there's nothing Royal here." Dib whispered to Bel.  "Yeah, but this is a pretty nice school." She whispered back. "Yeah, I'll give it that." "Ok, so before you can get your schedules, you all will have dorms here that you can stay in!" Bel raised her hand. "Wait, so like the dorms we live in?" "Yes, while you're here." "Oh, ok." "At High School?" Dib said. "Yes. You all came from West Harrington, which is, oh boy. So we do things a little different on this side of town. I'm sure you'll find everything so much nicer and the teachers so much nicer." "Huh, ok. We need that." "Alright, you all will need to find a roommate. Now, boys and girls can't room together unless they are siblings. But it's optional." A girl came up behind Dib. "Good. There's no way I'm rooming with you." "Gaz?! Where did you come from? Aren't you a grade under?" "Yeah, but I got bumped up a grade. Guess I'm smart, so I'm here." She looked at Bel. "Who is this? Is this your girlfriend?" She said in a funny way. "What?! Ew, no. This is my friend Bel." "Hello." Bel said. "Oh. Hey. I like your hoodie." "Thanks.." "Alright, I'm gonna go find a roommate." "Ok, bye." She walked off. "That's your sister?" "Yeah. She's a little creepy." "Huh...ok." Everyone started trying to find a roommate. Suddenly, Elise jumped off of Bel's shoulder. "What is it Elise?" "Over derrreee...." She said. She ran off through the crowd of kids. "ELISE!! Where are you going?!" She was chasing what looked like a white fox. Suddenly she stopped, and Bel tripped. "Ow..." "Oh no! Here, let me help you up." A girl said. She grabbed Bel's arm and helped her up. "Thanks..." Bel fixed her wig as it was a little out of place. "Don't mention it. Sorry about her. Kora is a little crazy sometimes." "It's fine..Elise is crazy too." "Heh. What's your name?" "Oh. Um, Bel." "Hello Bel! I'm Star." "Hello Star.." "Do you not have a roommate yet?" " you?" "No. You can room with me if you want!" "Um, sure, why not." The teacher came over. "Oh goodie! Our ray of sunshine has found a friend!" "Your who?" "Sweet Star! She's so sweet and fun, you will definitely love her. So Star...and..." It got silent. "Your name?" "Oh! Right. Bel." "Alright. Star and Bel. You girls can go up to the front desk in the school to get your keys." "Ok." They started to walk off as she went to two other kids, but suddenly, they heard yelling. "WHAT?! I'M NOT ROOMING WITH HIM!! HE'S AN ALIEN!!!" "I WILL NOT BE IN THE SAME ROOM WITH THE DIB WORM!!!" "Look, I'm sorry boys, but you're the only ones who don't have a roommate yet. Let's just try to get along! Be friends!" "BE FRIENDS?! WITH ZIM!? NO WAY!!" "I WOULD NEVER BEFRIEND THAT STINKY HUMAN WITH THAT GIANT HEAD!!" "MY HEAD'S NOT GIANT!!! WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS SAY THAT!!??" "Boys..BOYS!! BREAK IT UP!!" "Let's just move on and get our keys." "Yeah..." "Dib's a little annoying. I haven't met Zim yet, but Dib talks about him CONSTANTLY.""Zim is annoying, but I've actually become pretty good friends with Dib." "Yeah, try having him as a cousin." "Hang on, Dib is your cousin?!" "Yeah, ever since he got into trying to expose Zim because he thinks he's an alien, he's been running off to fight him. We haven't gotten much time together this summer since he's always off fighting Zim. Sometimes he comes back with pretty rough bruises and scars. He came back with a broken arm once." "Wow. Do you think Zim's an alien?" "Eh. He might be. I don't know, every picture of him I've seen has been too blurry to make out."Do you think there are aliens out there?" "I don't think there are any aliens, but there could be. You just never know." They walked to school. "Holy heck...this place is huge!! Let's go find our rooms." "Yeah." So they went upstairs and found their dorms. "Alright! Let's go ahead and put our luggage away so we can go get our schedules." She looked over. "Ooh! They left us snacks!" "Oh cool." Star grabbed the snacks and they rushed back downstairs. "Ok everyone! Here's your schedule! Make sure you get to class on time! Your textbooks are in the lockers. Have a great day!" And they went to class.

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