Part 9 - Battle Of The Bands

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"In a world gone mad, in a place so sad"

It was a regular day at East Harrington High School. Bel and Star were walking down the hall, when a teacher put a poster on the wall of posters.

"Hm? I wonder what they're posting about." Star said, curiously. . She walked over, read the poster, and instantly filled with excitement."What? What is it?!" Bel asked.

"They're having a BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!"

"Battle of the bands? What's that? Is it where two bands get in a fight? I've got swords, we're totally gonna win." "Uh, no. We aren't using your swords. It's like a singing competition! Wait a minute, would you..." She looked at Bel, and a thought came into her mind. "Would you be my partner?! We would be awesome!" "Uh, sure, I guess! But what would we call ourselves?" "Hmm..." They thought. "What about StaraBel? It's our names mixed together!" "Ooh I kinda like that! I don't have any better ideas, so let's just go with that." They wrote their names on the signup sheets. Dib and Gaz walked over, wondering what they were conversing about. "Are you guys going to sign up?"

They both got wide eyed and backed away. "Oh no. No no no. I don't sing." Dib said. "What?! Why not?!" Star said in shock. "Are you kidding me?! Half of this school thinks I'm NUTS! Why would I sing in front of them?!" "You guys would be awesome though! Come on, Gaz! You play guitar, don't you?" "Yeah, I guess, but not in front of....people." She said, disgusted at the thought. "Just do it this once! You guys would rock!" "No. Sorry Star, not happening." Dib said, sternly. Ms. Laura suddenly came behind them. "Ah, are you guys signing up for the Battle of the Bands?" "Yes! Me and Bel are going on as a duo act, we're excited!" Star said, beaming with joy. Bel smiled nervously and nodded. "That's wonderful! And it makes me so happy to see you two participate too!" She said with a look at the Membrane siblings. "Uh, no, Miss, we-" Dib started before she interrupted. "Oh, you guys forgot to put your names. Here, I'll put it down for you guys." She said as she grabbed the pen and jotted their names down. "Have fun, kiddos!" She said with a smile as she waved and walked away.

Dib groaned as he put his hands in his face. "Come on, let's just erase our names-" He said as he reached for the pen, when Gaz suddenly smacked it out of his hands. "We can't just back out now! She wrote it in pen, she's EXPECTING us to perform. We don't have a choice Dib. Let's just pick a song and get it over with." "Gaz, I can't! I can't sing worth a crap, and you know it. I'm going to embarrass myself." "Then we'll make it a duet. I'll sing with you." "Ugh, ok." They were both super angry at the thought of performing in front of the judgiest crowd there ever was: High School teenagers. They were doomed. "Hey, at least you guys get to perform now!" Star said with an optimistic tone. They both gave her an angry and frustrated look as they walked away. "Man, what's their deal?" She asked, confused. "They just don't like performing or people....Dib has something he told me was 'Social Anxiety'. He just doesn't like talking to people. Let alone SING in front of them." Bel replied. Star sighed as she saw them walking away. "Well, I hope they change their minds and enjoy themselves."
Suddenly, their chat was interrupted with someone shoving them out of the way of the poster.

"Out of my way, dorks!"

Of course. Kelsey.

"Hey, sis, stop!" And then it hit her what she said. 'Sis'.

"Oh shoot!" She said, embarrassed. "Wait a minute...Kelsey is YOUR SISTER?!" Star sighed with her hand to her face. "Yes, and I didn't want you to know, because you don't like her, and she doesn't like you." "She was going to figure it out at some point, Star. We have the same last name." Kelsey said as she put her name down on the sheet. "Oh yeah, I forgot about...that." "That isn't really something you need to keep a secret from me, Star. I mean sure, I don't like Kelsey, but that doesn't change my view of you!" "Well...thanks. Sorry I didn't tell you." Star said, feeling a lot better about this situation. "Wait, Kelsey, how are you going to perform without a band?" Bel asked, with a sarcastic smile. This caught Kelsey off guard as she stepped back and scoffed, with a classic mean girl expression on her face. "What makes you think I don't have a band?" "Cause I don't see them anywhere. And I know for a FACT that no one willingly wants to work with you." Kelsey looked really offended as she huffed under her breath. "I have an amazing band, and it's going to be a MILLION times better than whatever you and my stupid sister have planned." "Excuse me, Stupid?! I'm right here!" Star yelled back, aggravated. "You guys are going to BLOW the competition. You don't stand a chance. It's not like the crazy space girl can sing." She said with a sneer as she left. Bel looked aggravated. "We'll see."

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