Molly's Secret Part 2

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Chapter 58

After that conversation, I instructed driver Arjo to visit the Perelman family's former home. And he was right; it was just a few corners away from our house. No wonder it looks like Hailey and I met before. Maybe I was too young then, so I can't remember, or maybe it's part of my forgotten memories.

Driver Arjo told me many more stories as we toured the old house. I can't help but compare the mansion of the Perelmans to this place. It seems like they just had a simple life back then. A simple little house with a simple door, no stairs, no second floor, and a clean house. I also noticed that there was a garden in the backyard, but it was abandoned now, though it still looks like it is being cleaned, so no moss can be seen, unlike my previous house in my previous life.

Driver Arjo said, "Mary and I often chase each other in the backyard." So that's where I chose to go after touring the house. I can't understand the feeling, but the trees behind me seem to give me freedom.

A strong wind blew the huge trees away. Yet the pure air that touches my skin seems to sympathize with my grief.

"I'll leave you first, ma'am." driver Arjo uttered before leaving. I let him choose, and he chose to go for a walk. Compared to our house near the road, this house is already near the forest. Although the sky was dark, I continued to walk regardless of the possibility that it might rain or that this forest might take me somewhere.

On the way, I did not expect to encounter a lake. There is a bridge between them. However, due to the age of the bridge, it looks as if it will crumble when stepped on. With that, I sighed, then decided to stop walking and look around for a moment. It was then that I realized I had walked a long way. I can't seem to even see a glimpse of Old Perelman's house.

Even so, I no longer felt scared. Why should I be afraid? Why would I feel that way in the first place? In my dream, Lucifer had already visited me, and I had even gone to hell. What else would I be afraid of?

At that point, I decided to walk closer to the bridge. I can't help but think deeply. First was the death of Mr. Perelman, followed by the fact that Hailey and I were friends back then. And the third was the fact that I couldn't get out of Hailey's body again. It seemed like I was locked up with her again, and there seemed to be no way for me to get away.

I felt so sad. It was so heavy inside me that it seemed like even crying could not take away my sadness. Because even if I try, I don't seem to be able to cry anymore. Everything seems exhausted just by remembering that Saint was the cause of my mother's death.

This time I could do nothing but sigh. And there, my feet began to step across the bridge that seemed to be about to collapse.

However, before I could cross completely, someone took my hand. I immediately turned to him, but there, the face of Saint Archangel appeared to me. I was stunned when our eyes met. Just like when I first saw him, he was wearing his panama hat and black cloak. There was no emotion on his face as he just stared at me, something I did too.

For a month, I did not see him. Now he's shown up. I did not know what to do. My heart beat faster, I was nervous, yet I could not stare at him for long. I just remember what I saw in my dream. How Saint let my mother die.  How he flew closer to me to save me and let my mother die. I still remember his blazing eyes, his flying feathers of his wings and the words he left for my mother. At that point, I could no longer restrain my hand from slapping him. It was so loud that he tilted his head in the other direction. It was there that the emotion on his face changed. The lack of emotion disappeared and was replaced by annoyance.

"What was that for human?" He was too loud, something that surprised me, but I won't make him see it. I felt a momentary pain in my palm, so I knew that the slap I gave to Saint was too strong. Yet that was not the reason for my clenched fist. I know that it wasn't because of the pent-up anger that caused me to slap him because he called me human again. Maybe he forgot that I'm still his girlfriend. Although it seems scary to think that my boyfriend is a grim reaper, "Why did you slap me?" He asked again, while still frowning.

However, instead of answering, I also asked.

"What are you doing here?" I made sure he didn't see any emotion in my face. I know he won't be able to hear what I'm thinking. Because since the day I got my hands on the two bells of destiny and death, it seems that they have also cut off the connection between his mind and mine.

"You answer me first!" Even if his voice rose again, I didn't let him see anything in me. I stared directly at him to let him know I was serious. There he sighed. Something I just saw him do for the first time. It seems that during the time he stayed and interacted with me and the people around him, he has now also adopted the things that people normally do. "Fine, I'm here for you. Now, are you satisfied? " He asked. As if I should be thankful that he answered. At that point, I wanted to hurt the Grim Reaper in front of me. It's only now that I want to kill him that I've wanted to do so since the day we started dating.

What? He is here for me? Does he want to make me laugh? After a month when he disappeared like a bubble, only now will he show up when everything is a mess? Why should he bother more? This damn bastard!

"I don't need you! Leave now. " After that, I removed his grip on my wrist and started to cross again. The bridge sounded like a sign of its instability. But that didn't stop me from crossing because I wanted to cross. If I do this, I will die, so it won't be a problem at all. For sure, I will surely have nothing left. But for a while, I was stunned by that thought.

Suddenly, the faces of Mrs. Perelman and Hazel entered my mind.

Do I really have nothing left to do? If Hailey also dies now, they will surely mourn even more. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to torture them anymore.

At that point, I no longer noticed that the life I had thrown away back then was. I have gradually come to appreciate it now. At that point, I realized that I didn't want to die again. I'm also scared to die because I have people who I value more than myself. Within a month without Saint, I had learned the importance of the life that I had previously wasted.

When her aunt noticed the missing plate and asked Molly about it, she said she hadn't seen it. That was the first time he lied.

I M _ V E N A

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