4. Strangers

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

I stood in front of our room and took a deep breath. Finally the mid-term break was over and I left that ominous house.

But now, I had another issue to face with; Lee Han-jae.

Before I went back home, I was unsure about my feelings, but after learning the terrible relationship between my parents, I was scared beyond imagination. I lost my belief in love as the possibility of being cheated on haunted me day and night. It may sound childish, but at the time being, I genuinely believed that love was just an hallucination until the reality dragged you back.

As I was drained both physically and emotionally, I had no energy to plan what to say to Han-jae. Therefore, I took another breath and prepared myself for his outburst.

However, he wasn't in the room, so did his stuff!

Frantically, I looked around and saw that he was gone for good.

He left me as well...

What did I expect though? After ghosting him for fifteen days, of course he would get angry and leave me.

I knew that... then why it hurt like hell?

I collapsed to the floor and cried like a baby.

Now, I was all alone, but it was for the best, right? In this way, I wouldn't get hurt or hurt anyone unwittingly.

Goodbye, Han-jae.

Lee Han-jae POV:

The moment he entered the lab, our gaze met for a second before I averted my eyes. Still, I managed to see how thin he got. I wondered what was the problem, but then I remembered that we were strangers.

He remembered it better than I did as he didn't take his usual seat next to me, rather occupying the front seat.

I had no idea what we covered during the lab as my eyes kept shifting on Chin-hae who was taking notes like crazy as usual. Seeing him unbothered made me bothered. How come he could act as if everything was normal?

Thank God, the professor finished the class a bit early, otherwise I could bore a hole in Chin-hae's back.

"What happened between you?" Ki-tae asked as soon as the professor left the lab.

"Nothing," I tried to shrug him off, but he was persistent.

"Lover's quarrel?" Ki-tae pressed and I snapped.

"We just don't talk anymore, okay?!" Damn it, my voice was a bit higher than I planned, so the entire lap turned around to look at us, including Chin-hae. Was it hurt what I saw in his chocolate eyes? Was it possible?

Well, it must have been my wishful thinking as he turned his head quickly and left the lab after collecting his stuff.

"I am sorry man," Ki-tae whispered as he put his hand on my shoulders.

"It is okay," I said apologetically and left the lab alone for the first time.

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