11. Confused

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

My head felt heavy but I managed to notice that I was lying on something soft. I half opened my eyes to check where I was, and my vision welcomed a familiar face.


"What happened?" I asked with a hoarse voice and he immediately helped me to straighten up before passing me a glass of water.

"I found you unconscious in your room and brought you to the infirmary," he said with a hit of apology in his tone.

"Thank you," I mumbled while looking at the glass in my hand. Even seeing him was making me teary.

"I am so sorry, Chin-hae," he said as he sat beside me on the bed, "I should have been there for you."

I was startled, hearing the pain in his voice. "It is okay," I managed to utter, but refused to look at him. He mustn't have acted nice because my stupid heart was prone to be deceived.

"It is not," he said firmly and held my hand, "why are you not eating or resting properly? Is it because of me?"

"No," I lied and he sighed.

"You are lying," he said all-knowingly, "but it is okay. This time I will prove to you that I will always be there for you. You will open up to me in time."

What is he saying? Be there for me? So, he wants us to be friends again?

Millions of thoughts filled into my mind, and as I was busy dealing with them, I couldn't reply to Han-jae.

Lee Han-jae POV:

Chin-hae didn't say a word, but there was a confused expression on his face.

As retreating was out of question, I could only go forward.

I grabbed his arm gently, "let's go, I will take you for breakfast."

He saved his arm and got out of the bed. "You don't need to, I am fine," he said with a low voice while walking towards the exit.

I caught up with him, "no, I have to because you obviously have no idea how to take care of yourself," I said firmly and he couldn't reply.

Half leading, half dragging, I took Chin-hae to the cafeteria and bought him a plain porridge. He looked at the porridge in a daze, but didn't take a spoon from it.

"Eat it," I broke his trance and he looked at me alienly.

"You don't need to pity me, I am okay," he said coldly.

"Pity you?" I leaned forward on my elbows, "I don't pity you."

"Really?" he rolled his eyes, "you ghosted me for how long, but now you are so eager to take care of me. Isn't it out of pity?"

His argument was rational. Of course it was, he was the brain in our team.

I sighed and forced the spoon into his hand, "it isn't pity, if you remember it was my duty to take care of our health while you take care of our grades."

"Oh," he said in a disbelieved manner, "it was in the past, now your girlfriend wouldn't be happy with that."

He tried to sound normal, but his eyes gave him away. I knew him better. But was it jealousy or hurt that I saw in his eyes?

"I will tell you something interesting about Min-jee if you finish the porridge," I said in a mysterious manner although there was no mystery at all. 

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