10. Pain

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

"What does it have to do with you?"

It hurt.

"Oh... I wish you all the happiness," I mumbled and ran away before my tears trickled down.

I returned to my room and slumped down to the floor. He didn't even see me worthy to give me a proper explanation. I was nobody to him. He really moved forward and forgot about me. So, in the end I was right, there was no love but only betrayal and hurt. Only fifteen days he could wait for me before he discarded me.

I cried my heart out as there was nothing else I could do.

Curling up on the floor and crying for myself...

The next day, I dragged my exhausted existence to the lab as if nothing happened. I felt light-headed but I didn't care.

"Good morning," Min-jee greeted me with a smile in front of the cabinet.

I forced a smile and hastily got the necessary beakers from the cabinet and walked away from Min-jee, but in the opposite direction, Han-jae was standing. I was literally trapped between lovers, thinking which direction I must have taken.

Well, I didn't have to think a lot as Min-jee let out a scream and the voice of broken beakers filled the room.

I froze on my spot, my breath hitched as usual. With my blurry eyes I saw Han-jae was running towards me. For a second, I thought he was going to help me, but he just passed me, brushing our shoulders and left the lab from the back door with Min-jee in his arms.

I must have swayed as someone asked me if I was okay. I just nodded and managed to leave the lab and reached my room somehow before collapsing to the floor.

Lee Han-jae POV:

The first thing I saw was blood.

Min-jee's legs were bleeding because of the shards of the beakers she dropped.

I rushed to her and gathered her in my arms before running to the infirmary. Thank God, she was okay, they were only small cuts. I called Jae-hyuk so that they could have an opportunity to flirt.

As I expected he was more than willing. After he came to the infirmary, I left them alone and returned to the lab.

Ki-tae was on his seat, but Chin-hae was missing.

He should have changed his group, I thought bitterly and took my seat after reassuring my classmates that Min-jee was okay.

"Did Chin-hae change his group?" I asked Ki-tae who shook his head.

"I believe he is sick, after you left with Min-jee, he also left with a pale face."


How could I forget that Chin-hae had something for the breaking sound! He even had a panic attack before!

I jumped off my seat and ran to his room.

I knocked and knocked, but there was no reply. My heart was in my mouth. I tried to open the door and thank God, it wasn't locked, although something was blocking it. I pushed it a bit and the door opened completely, revealing a horrifying scene.

Chin-hae was lying unconscious on the floor!

"Chin-hae!" I exclaimed and pulled him into my embrace. Oh my, he was burning up with sweat trickling down his forehead and neck. He was deadly pale which made me panic. I collected him from the floor in bridal style and rushed to the infirmary for the second time in the same day, but with bigger worry.

Arriving at the infirmary, I put him gently on the bed and let the doctor check on him. The guilt was gnawing at me as it was my fault. How could I forget something that important?!

"How is he?" I jumped on my feet as soon as I saw the doctor.

"He is malnutritioned, dehydrated and has severe fatigue, it could be a good idea for him to see a psychologist."

Each word of the doctor stabbed me in the heart. Malnutritioned, dehydrated, exhausted... How could I let that happen? I claimed to love him but I ignored him in his darkest hour. My stupid anger and shameful inattentiveness caused him to collapse.

"Can I see him?" I asked in a daze and the doctor nodded.

With shaky legs, I entered the room slowly in order not to wake him up and sat on the chair beside the bed.

It was truly a pitiful scene; my poor angel was lying on the bed as pale as the sheet underneath him. Although he was sleeping, his eyebrows were knitted together as if he was in pain. I reached and rubbed the area between his eyebrows, lulling him into a more peaceful sleep.

As he was exhausted, he slept for the entire day and night. I didn't even move an inch from my spot, my hand holding his needle-free hand and my gaze stuck on his purplish eye bags and sunken cheeks as my self-given punishment.

Luckily, in the morning, Chin-hae looked better after the medication and soon he woke up. 

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