6. Ghosting

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

"Just that? No explanation?"

I couldn't reply and Han-jae left the room angrily. I knew he deserved an explanation, but how could I say what happened in my family. He was sure to pity me if he learnt that and I didn't want it. I just wanted to curb my demons inside my heart and learn to trust someone again.

Just going back to normal again.

Heaving a sigh, I went back to my room. The following day, we had the lab, so I could have time to talk to Han-jae when he was calmer.

Well, it was my wishful thinking...

The next day, Han-jae didn't even spare me a glance. He even put Ki-tae in the middle so that he didn't need to stand next to me. My heart was in agony but I kept a blank face.

"Which substance will we add?"


"Ki-tae?" Han-jae cut me off brutally and Ki-tae gave me an apologetic glance.

I swallowed back a sob and tried to focus on the beaker in my hand. Although I knew I hurt Han-jae, I didn't know he would be that harsh to me. Still, I was determined to make him my friend again, so he couldn't make me give up with a little ruckus.

"I can write the report," I tried to communicate with him again as he hated to write them.

Han-jae just shrugged and Ki-tae thanked me before they left the lab with Min-jee. As I was alone in the lab, I dropped my mask and a few tears fell from my eyes.

Lee Han-jae POV:

I was trying to ignore him, but Chin-hae's puppy eyes were boring into my soul. Although I genuinely didn't want to be harsh, I just couldn't help it. He was acting as if everything was normal which was absolutely not, and it made me angry. He said he wanted to reconcile with me, but there was no sincerity in his actions.

"I can write the report."

Seriously? Was it how he was reconciling with me? Writing a damn report?

Usually it was me who would give in first, but this time I wouldn't do that. He had to understand how much he hurt me and if he insisted on pretending as if nothing was wrong, then I was better without him.

"It was harsh," Ki-tae commented when we were having lunch in the cafeteria.

I just shrugged as I had no intention to explain the situation to them. It was between Chin-hae and me.

"He seemed so sad," Min-jee said hesitantly.

Was he? Really? It was me who had the right to be sad, not him.

"We can't continue like this until the end of the semester," Ki-tae tried again, but I pretended not to hear.

"Oh, he is here," Min-jee pointed behind me and it took all my willpower not to turn to look at him. "Will he eat alone?"

Damn it. I turned around and saw he was coming toward us with the tray in his hand. His head was lowered, so he didn't see us. Looking at his timid behaviour, I felt a pang inside my heart. He didn't like crowded places; therefore, I never let him come to the cafeteria alone.

"Chin-hae!" Min-jee suddenly called out to him and he saw us, "come, sit with us."

I cursed inwardly when Chin-hae looked at me intently. I think he saw my dilemma as he shook his head and walked to a far-away table.

I didn't have any appetite left as regret filled the empty space in my stomach.

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