19. Love

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

"I love you."

One year ago, those words spilled from my mouth unwittingly and they started my fairytale.

That day we officially became a couple and everyday has been a bliss. I love Han-Jae so much and I have no doubt that he loves me back equally.

Love really changes you for the better.

Thanks to Han-jae, now I am better at expressing my thoughts and my feelings. As Han-jae never hesitates to take my hand when we are outside, I see no problem to reach for him as well.

One year has passed and my love for Han-jae only increases each day.

Oh by the way, my parents divorced. Now my mother is dating a surgeon while my father is raising his baby girl with his new wife.

Lee Han-jae POV:

"I love you."

Five years ago, Chin-hae told me those magical words and made the most happy man in the world. From that day on, I have never let go of his hand.

Now, we work in the same lab in my hometown and share a small flat. As we are only fifteen minutes away from my parent's house, we pay them a visit once a week. Although my mother favors Chin-hae more than me, I don't mind as I know he deserves all the love.

Although it sounds impossible, I fall in love with him anew each day. The way he ogles me when I wear a black shirt, the playful smirk he directs at me when I walk towards the condoms section, the way he caresses my hair when I have a bad day... He is too perfect for this world...

As I know this fact, I don't want to wait any longer...

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