9. Misunderstanding

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

I didn't want to eavesdrop but they were literally talking right behind me, so I heard them unintentionally.

"I can't believe they are dating!"

"Right? Who could have guessed Min-jee and Han-jae are dating!"

"Who told you though?"

"A-yeong saw them very intimate in front of the library and everyone knows how close they got this semester, right?"


"Always together, haha!"

There was no word good enough to express the pain I felt in my heart. It was the exact moment when I realized that I liked Han-jae in a romantic sense. There was no way I would feel like that if Han-jae was just a mere friend. As I was extremely inexperienced and dense, it took me that long to notice my feelings.

However, now there was another problem; were they really dating? Could he already forget about me and choose Min-jee?

There was only one way to know.

I collected my stuff hastily and rushed out of the classroom to find Han-jae.

Lee Han-jae POV:

I should have known it was a mistake to agree to be the cupid.

All day long Min-jee stuck with me, literally interrogating me about Jae-hyuk. What he likes? What doesn't he like? Is he tidy?...

Silly girl, she was so absorbed in her fantasies that she didn't notice a damn tree and managed to prick her eye with a branch!

Yelping with pain, she rushed to me to check if there was something left in her eye. I blew at her eye to be sure and then I helped her to wash her eye with some water. Luckily, she said she was okay and soon left to catch her class.

I sat on the bench for a while as I still had time before the class, and when I was about to leave as well, I found Chin-hae in front of me.

"I... have to... ask you... something," he managed to utter in between his heavy panting.

"What?" I asked, trying to sound not too concerned.

"Are you and Min-jee dating?"

What?! What kind of an absurd question was that?! What was he trying to do now?

I looked at him intently while asking "what does it have to do with you?"

Chin-hae gaped at me and a flash of hurt swept across his pale face. I waited for him to yell at me, curse me even, but he surprised me.

"Oh... I wish you all the happiness," he mumbled and ran away as fast as he came.

What was that for?

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