14. Message

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

When I opened my eyes, the room was already dark. I must have slept a long time, but there was something wrong. I was in the bed and there was a towel on my forehead! Turning on the bedside lamp, I saw the reason.


He was sleeping on the other bed, his face facing me. Under the dim light, I could see his eye bags which were probably the result of nursing me. Although I felt guilty for keeping him awake for the entire day and night, seeing him in the room filled my heart with happiness.

In order to check the time, I looked for my phone and saw it was on the desk. I moved to the edge of the bed to grab it before lying down again. Well, I should have checked the phone before lying down as when I saw mother's message, I straightened up with a jump.

My father's lover was pregnant!

That was unexpected but the new message was even more striking.

[Your mother told me that she informed you about the situation. Well, I want you to meet my girlfriend and maybe you can convince your mother to divorce me.]

The phone fell from my grip to the blanket. Neither of them cared about me. They didn't even ask how I felt. So, it was indeed true that I was all alone.

Lee Han-jae POV:

When I woke up, I saw Chin-hae was sitting on the bed with a blank expression on his face. It was so obvious that he saw the message his mother sent.

I didn't want to pry into his family life, but I couldn't pretend as if I didn't notice how bad he looked. I got up and sat beside him. As he was in a daze he didn't even notice my presence until I circled my arms around his frail figure.

"What are you doing?" he tried to break free from my hug, but I didn't let him go.

"You look like you need a hug, so don't move," I whispered into his ear and he stopped fidgeting. Maybe he also realized that a hug was a good idea.

In the beginning Chin-hae was like a piece of brick, but soon he relaxed and leaned on my chest. We sat in that position for a long while until he signed me to let go. Reluctantly, I dropped my arms and he leaned his back on the headboard. My arms felt cold and empty without him and I didn't like it.

"I know you don't trust me, but it is not good to bottle up everything in," I said softly and he threw me a horrified glance.

"W-What do you mean?" he stuttered a bit.

I sighed, "I can see it in your eyes how much you suffer, I am also aware that I am partially responsible for it, but there is more to the story, right?"

His body got stiff and his lips trembled as if he suppressed a sob.

"Today is Sunday, let's go out for some fun," I uttered as a sudden thought came into my mind. Chin-hae could go crazy if he stayed in the room with that state of mind.

"Where?" he asked demurely, making me shocked.

"How about the seaside?"


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