8. Attempts

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

Han-jae took my notes!

He left the restroom with apparent anger, but when I went back to the lab, I saw my notes were in his backpack!

So, I still had a chance.

That revelation replenished my hope.

The next day, I saw Han-jae's favorite cookies were in the vending machine. I took it as a positive signal and bought a box for him. As we were sitting separately in other classes, I wandered around all day with the cookies in my hand until the lab hour.

When Han-jae and Ki-tae took their seats, I pushed the precious box towards Han-jae, saying "I saw it in the vending machine."

Han-jae raked his slightly long black bangs back and clicked his tongue. My heart nearly stopped as he used to do it when he was irritated.

"Aish, just eat some," Ki-tae pulled out a cookie and stuffed it into Han-jae's mouth, then he ate one as well, "it tastes really good," he said in an exaggerated manner, helping me out.

I smiled at Ki-tae, silently thanking him. Then, I focused on the experiment so that they wouldn't notice my disappointment.

Apparently, I had to strive more.

On the last Friday of each month, Han-jae used to play basketball in the sports center inside the campus. As he was a forgetful person, he always forgot to bring his water bottle which I brought behind him each time.

As I was trying to show Han-jae that we were good before without revealing my secrets, I thought it was a good opportunity to show how much I cared about him.

I went to the sports centre with a water bottle and sat on my usual spot. I patiently waited for the game to end and rushed towards Han-jae when he took his seat on the corner bench alone.

"Here," I reached the water bottle to him, but he pushed my hand, causing the bottle to fall from my hand.

"Stop doing this nonsense," he said threateningly, "just tell me your reason why you ignored me that long."

I rubbed my hand where he pushed, "just forget about it, I am so sorry and trying to make it up to you, can't we go back?" I asked, my voice cracked at the end of the sentence.

"Forget about it?" he let out a chuckle, "do you know how much I suffered during those days?"

"It was a family matter and I said that I am sorry for many times," I tried to make him understand, but he wasn't sympathetic.

"I thought you were family," Han-jae pushed me a bit and walked out with his bag.

I knew I deserved it, so I had to try harder, but I was tired...

Lee Han-jae POV:

First cookies and then a water bottle.

Gosh! He was literally trying to bribe me, but all I needed was an explanation. For almost three years, I had born my heart open to him and I thought he did the same. How wrong I was... He had never told me anything personal! I didn't even know his mother's name whereas Chin-hae had a coffee with my mother!

Why the hell he couldn't see how much I was hurt because of him? He said he wanted to go back, like seriously? Going back to the time when I was thinking we were close! No way!

I could understand if he didn't feel anything romantic towards me, but noticing he wasn't even sincere as a friend made me fume.

Maybe, it was really best to forget about him.

While I was regarding that option, I received a message from Min-jee.

[Is Lee Jae-hyuk your roommate?!]

[Yes, so?]

[I like him, help me to court him!]

[Don't make me involved.]

[You share the room, so you know him the best. Please! Please!]

[ok fine!]

Who knew? Maybe matchmaking could distract my mind a bit.

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