12. Truth

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

I couldn't believe I fell for the trick.

I ate the porridge as fast as I could and then stared at him expectedly; however, he wasn't done with his game.

"Wow, you should be really curious about her," he said teasingly and I lowered my head, embarrassed to my very core.

"I was kidding, I am sorry," his voice got serious immediately, "let's go to your room, then I will tell you," he said and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the cafeteria.

Reluctantly, I let him inside my room. He looked around with curious eyes as if it was his first time in the room. As if he didn't live there for almost three years with me...

"You didn't put any stuff to the drawers I used to occupy," he said with a confused expression yet his tone was... happy?

I just shrugged. What could I say?

He sighed God knew why before he sat on the bed he used to sleep leisurely. I followed his example and sat in front of him, on my own bed. "Now will you tell me?" I asked, trying to look bored.

"Well," he wetted his lips nervously, "I have never told you that I was dating Min-jee," he dropped the bomb.

"What?" I was agape.

"I am not dating Min-jee," he repeated slowly, "she likes my roommate, Jae-hyuk."

What? Really?

The confession rattled me so much that I didn't know how to feel.

Lee Han-jae POV:

Chin-hae didn't give any reaction, just kept sitting with a blank face.

"Are you angry?" I had to ask in the end as the tension was killing me.

He shook his head, but he himself didn't seem so sure.

"Are you sad?" I tried again.

Finally, he gave a reaction. "Why should I be sad?" he challenged me.

I just shrugged, "I don't know, maybe because I still like you? Maybe because you still couldn't get rid of me?"

He looked befuddled while my heart was about to explode.

As usual, I was first to give in, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have cornered you like that," I said with a sigh and stood up, "I will go to the pharmacy to get your medicine."

Chin-hae jumped on his feet, "you don't need to, I can get them," he said, looking everywhere except me. Then he wanted to move towards the door, but I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him on the bed again.

"You need to rest, I will be quick," I said firmly and moved fast to the door. Seeing the key was on the lock, I took the opportunity, "I will take the key, so I won't wake you up," I said and ran away before he could tell me that the door could be opened from the outside if not locked.

With that, I took his chance of locking me out.

I knew he was a sceptical one and the previous happenings were to my disadvantage. Still, this time I was determined to stick around and show him that I was serious with my feelings for him.

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