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There are not too many Rent-A-Girlfriend books on this site. Here's my take.



No One's POV

College is a time where young teens decide what to do for a living. Of course, each individual has the career path that they choose. However, college life has its pros and cons. Parties, student debts, subjects, etc. It all comes down to the person whether they take college seriously or not. One particular individual has already decided what to do, and so he will keep working hard to achieve his dream job to support himself and his young daughter.

"Dad? Can you help me with something?" The young child walked up to her father with her notebook in hand

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"Dad? Can you help me with something?" The young child walked up to her father with her notebook in hand.

"Sure, sweetie. What's up?" The small child gave the notebook to her father. Y/N took the notebook and looked at his daughter's homework.

"Addition and Subtraction? Looks like you're doing great so far." Her father complimented, earning a smile on his daughter's face.

"Thanks, Dad. I need help with the double digits." She said.

"Can I finish these tasks before I can help?" Her father asked.

"Can I watch?!" Y/N chuckled as he picked up his daughter and placed her on his lap. "What are you trying to do?"

"I'm doing some coding, D/N. Professor wanted me to fix some errors." Y/N explained as he typed away on his keyboard. "And... Fixed! Looks like we're good to go. Alright, sweetie, I'm ready to help you out."

"Can we do my homework on the couch instead of the kitchen?"

"Sure! Let me grab some extra paper just in case."

Le Timeskip


"See? Math problems may seem complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it's like nothing. It's getting late now. Did you shower and brush your teeth?"

"I took a bath earlier before dinner, but I didn't brush my teeth," D/N said.

"Well, get to it, kiddo. We have school tomorrow. Besides, you wanna show your teacher what you learned today?" My daughter nodded.

"Well, get to it! I'll clean up and meet you in your bedroom. Go on now."

"Okay!" I see my daughter run over to the bathroom. I smile to myself as I clean up the living room and put her homework away in her small backpack. I walked over to my computer and papers and packed them up neatly before placing them inside my bag.

"All good on that. Both backpacks are done and packed. Car keys on the table with my wallet and keycard. Yep, good to go." I let out an exhausted sigh before walking to my daughter's room. I knock gently before opening the door to see her in her bed with her teddy bear, sleeping peacefully. I walk up to her bed and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie. Daddy loves you." I quietly close the door and head to my room. I jump onto the bed and get on my phone.

A/N: I swear if anyone takes it the wrong way, I'm suing you.

As I scrolled through social media, an ad popped of an app that recently became popular these past few weeks. "Rent-A-Girlfriend? I've heard about this. I know Kazuya recently got his app and went on a date. As much as I want a relationship, I want it to be wholesome and meaningful. I want my significant other to fulfill the mother that D/N needs. I want to love the two of them to no end. Just... not yet. I need to wait so I can still cover for myself and D/N. And that's what I'll do."

Didn't expect to have a daughter, did you? Her backstory will be revealed soon.


Thinking: Rent-A-Girlfriend x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now