Chapter 8

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 A whole year later. Apologies for the wait. Getting back into writing slowly. Nonetheless!




"Double date? Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Well, when do I NOT have a bad feeling when it has to do with Kazuya." I replied to him, asking who he was taking. "...WAIT, GIRLFRIEND?" I quickly realized I yelled and regretfully woke up D/N.

"Dad! Please don't do that..." D/N was on the verge of breaking down. I quickly hugged her and soothed her.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you..." Her sniffles made my heart ache. I sighed internally to myself and continued to soothe her. 'I guess the memories are still there.'

Le Mini Timeskip

I carried D/N to bed and kissed her forehead before laying her gently on the bed. I quietly walk out of her room and head to my room to lie down. That's when it hit me. I never told Chizuru about how she needs to be around D/N. "Well, she's doing fine, but the yelling. I don't think she's the type to yell... I don't even know..." I sighed and stuffed my face into my pillow. I heard my phone ding, signaling a message. I grabbed my phone from the dresser and saw it was from Chizuru.

Hi! I just got home from work! I know we talked about leaving the agency, but I've decided to wait longer if that's okay!

I smiled. Despite her convincing me, I still didn't want her to leave. It's her job, after all. Experience is everything.

Of course, I'm okay with it! Take your time. D/N is asleep right now. I need to talk with you tomorrow about her. It's nothing major, but it's important to her. :)

Sure! I'm okay with it.

Oh! Before I forget, Kazuya asked for a double date. Bring your sportswear. I have a feeling he's doing his shenanigans again...

What?! Call me!

I called Chizuru, and within a few seconds, she quickly answered. "So, as I was saying-"

"What were you thinking saying yes?!" Chizuru berated me with words. I only sweat-dropped in response.

"I had to! It's Kazuya! After that little stunt with you, I only thought for the worst..."

"That's true... I just hope it goes well. At least, we can spend some time together!" She said with her cheery tone. She does make a point.

"Of course. The only plus side to any of this. Well, I'll go ahead and call it a night. Hope your day was good today."

"It was. How was yours? Did you eat? Did you drink water? Is D/N okay?" Chizuru asked frantically. It was admittedly adorable, showing how loving she is.

"Yes to all questions. My day was good."

"Good! I'm going to shower and eat dinner! Bye Y/N! Love you!" I smiled.

"I love you too. Make sure to rest. Bye now."


Le Timeskip

No One's POV

"So, this is the place?" Y/N checked my phone just in case. "This should be it," He said to his girlfriend.

"A rock-climbing place? Kazuya isn't very athletic, is he?" Chizuru asked.

"Not really. He's probably just trying it with this 'girlfriend' for the first time. Or she showed him this place. I think we should wait about asking questions though. He plans to convince us to believe he got a girlfriend, so we buy his act. At any point, if we're isolated, I'll ask him questions. Also, keep in mind, you are still a rental. So, be prepared to be called out on it by his 'girlfriend.'"

"You're pretty smart, aren't you..." Chizuru could only blush about her boyfriend's intelligence. "Sounds like a plan." She smiled.

"A team effort." Y/N leans in to kiss her cheek, but Chizuru acted quickly and kissed his lips instead. A small, but meaningful kiss.

"That was unexpected. I can't complain, can I?" He chuckled.

"Nope! You cannot!" Chizuru laughed. From the distance, Kazuya is approaching the couple with his rental girlfriend to his left. They don't appear to be holding hands just yet.

"So, a rock-climbing place? Very interesting." Y/N spoke. "Who's the lady?"

"Ruka Sarashina." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you." She waved.

"Likewise. This is Chizuru." Y/N introduced his girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you as well." She said politely. Y/N seemed to be calm on the inside. However...


Wait. She's the girl I ran into yesterday. "Ruka? Did I run into you yesterday? You look familiar."

"O-Oh! That's true. We did run to each other. I'm sorry still about that." She bowed.

"No worries. We weren't really paying attention." I spoke. She seemed to be content with my reply. Looks like this is going to go in our favor.

Alright! Double date... I wonder how this is gonna go.


Thinking: Rent-A-Girlfriend x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now