Chapter 6

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We left with you and Chizuru in a room together. It was awkward at first, but that soon went away. What happens next?




"Hm. I see. I guess our grandmas both planned this ahead of time." I let out a long sigh. "Well, let's enjoy this. I'm sure this whole experience must be a fortune, so let's embrace it."

"Yeah. This place is nice." She agreed.

"What does your grandmother think of me? I'm curious." I asked.

"She likes you a lot. I've talked to her about her a few times ever since we met. Every time we talked, she seemed relieved. Maybe it's because I found someone to be myself. I even told her about D/N."

"You didn't tell her about D/N's adoption, did you?" I asked.

"N-No! It wouldn't be right for me to tell her about that. I respect you." She replied.

"I'm sorry, but thank you." Before I could say anything, I heard knocking on the door. "I'll get it." I opened the door to see my mom and D/N. "Hey, mom."

"Hi, sweetie. I came here to drop D/N off. She wanted to see you after our little exploration."

"I get it. I'll get D/N off of your hands." I said.

"Bye, sweetie! Bye, D/N!"

"Bye now." I led D/N inside and closed the door behind us. "Sweetie, we have a special guest with us. I want to be nice and respect her, okay?"


"You can come out now," I called. Chizuru swiftly revealed herself with her kimono. D/N's eyes widened, then ran at Chizuru.

"Miss Chizuru!"

"Hi, D/N! How have you been?"

"I've been good!" She replied. I chuckled and a hand on her head.

"I say we all eat some food. I'm starving over here."

Le Timeskip

"Itadakimasu!" I let D/N some food first before I start. I decided to give her a bit of everything.

"Enjoy, sweetie. Here's a little bit of everything on the table. If you don't like it, let me know, okay? BUT! You must try it first before deciding, okay?"

"Okay!" While D/N happily ate her food, I took a bite of my own.

"So yummy!" Chizuru squealed. "Y/N, try some!" Chizuru picks up some food with her chopsticks.

"Eh?" Chizuru leans towards with the chopsticks in hand.

"Say "Ah." She said.

"I-I can feed me-"

"Say "Ah." She said again. This time I could feel a menacing aura.

"A-Ah." I opened my mouth, allowing her to feed me. I took the food in my mouth and chewed it up.

"Was that so hard?"

"E-Er, yeah," I said. "That was pretty tasty, I will say."

"Right? And there's more to try! And more to feed you." Chizuru whispered the last part, but I was able to hear it.


Le Timeskip

After being fed by Chizuru, I let her and D/N watch some movies and TV. Meanwhile, I decided to work on some things for school while they had fun. As I worked, I could hear them laughing and enjoying themselves. I admit it warmed my heart seeing the two together, enjoying their time. However, an image of Mami appeared in my mind. She's good with D/N like Chizuru, but who would she like more? I decided to brush the thought away and continued.

No One's POV

Nighttime arrived slowly as the day went on. Y/N managed to finish with his school work. He decided to call it a night and take a shower. He got out only after 5 minutes and went to call his daughter to take a bath. While she takes a bath, Chizuru and Y/N went to the closet to get their beds, but a slight problem was visible.

"There are only two mats. Hm. I'll let D/N have mine, and I'll sleep on the floor next to her."

"E-Eh? You c-can share with me." Y/N blinked.

"C-Could you repeat that?" Y/N stuttered.

"You can share with me instead of sleeping on the floor." She said again.

"EH?! Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping on the floor."

"You will sleep with me. And that's final, is that clear?" Her tone shifted from a happy one to a serious one.

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Y/N mumbled in defeat.

Le Timeskip


It was quiet. The silence was evident by my heartbeat. I could hear every thump every time it pumped, but why am I so nervous? I looked over at D/N to see her sleeping peacefully on her own. I turn back to Chizuru. I only stared at her as she slept. The light from the moon bled through the windows. Thanks to the moon, Chizuru's features were what stood out. Her brown eyes. Her brown hair. "You're beautiful..." I whispered. Chizuru began to move a little. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into mine. "You aren't asleep yet?" She whispered.

"I'm s-sorry. I've never really shared a bed with anyone. We're pretty close, and I don't want you to get the wrong idea." I spoke.

"It's okay. I understand. You don't have to be nervous, okay? Just rest. Can you do that for me?" She said, looking into my E/C eyes.

"Yeah. I think I can." I closed my eyes and relaxed. I could feel Chizuru smile and moved closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my chest and shifted herself just below my neck. I moved my arms around her and held her close as I try to sleep.

No One's POV

While Y/N closed his eyes, Chizuru was blushing madly. She looked up at Y/N with an embarrassed look. 'He's asleep now. He's so warm. I feel safe around his arm. I want him close.' She mused. Chizuru smiled to herself and shoved her face. 'I need to tell him. I can't hold these any longer. I'll lose my chance forever if he finds someone else.'

"Y-Y/N?" She whispered. She tapped his chest to try to get his attention.

"Hm?" He hummed. "I'm listening."

"I-I," She started.

"Yeah?" He whispered.

"I-I love you. I want to stay with you and D/N. I've had these feelings ever since talking to you and D/N." She whispered. "I want to be there for D/N as she grows older. Everything is different between you and anyone else I've ever met." She buried her face into this chest to avoid his gaze. Y/N could only smile in happiness. He never imagined this day would ever come.

"Chizuru." He started. "Look at me, please." Chizuru slowly looked up and met with his eyes "I wasn't sure if these feelings were true, but after talking with you and being regular friends rather than a rental girlfriend, I've grown to like your company. Not just me but D/N too. She loves you. I know she wants you in her life, just like I do. We both do." The two of them leaned in slowly. "I love you, Chizuru Ichinose."

"I-I love you, Y/N L/N." Their lips met as they felt several emotions go through them. It was a gentle yet meaningful kiss. They soon separated and stared into each other eyes. Y/N pressed his forehead onto hers as he stared into her brown eyes.

"Thank you. For choosing me." They closed their eyes and let sleep overtake them.

Damn. That's all I can say. Hope you enjoyed.


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