Chapter 3

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That was a good day for you and D/N. What's next?



No One's POV

It's been a few days since Y/N and his daughter hung out with Chizuru. Since that day, the two of them have kept in touch. Chizuru would have some genuine and wholesome conversations with Y/N. Something she hasn't had with anyone in a long time. She would be lying to herself if she didn't enjoy his company and his daughter.

"The beach? With the whole gang? I see." Y/N had his phone in his right hand as he sat on the couch with his daughter in his lap, sleeping. "My daughter? What about her? She's sleeping right now. Can she come to the beach with us? Are you sure that's alright?" He asked. "Well, alright then. I'll tell her. When is everyone leaving? Tomorrow?! You tell me this today? I'll get everything ready tonight. I'll drive with D/N in my car. You guys can carpool. Alright, it's settled. Take care. Ciao." Y/N hung up his phone and tossed it on the couch. He picked up his daughter and laid her gently on the sofa.

"Guess it's time for me to pack." The rest of the night, Y/N packed his bag and his daughter's bag with everything they needed for the beach. He brought a snack bag with snacks and drinks for her daughter in case she was hungry. He quickly went to the store to buy some swimsuits for him and his child. "That should be everything," Y/N spoke as he moved his small suitcase with all of their clothing.

"Dad?" His daughter called out as she sat up from her nap. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yep. Kazuya and his friends invited us to go to the beach. I already packed our bags and everything."

"Really? Can Miss Chizuru come with us?" She asked.

"Sorry, sweetie. I'm sure Miss Chiruzu won't be able to go because of work. Maybe next time, sweetie." Y/N replied.

"Let's head to bed, sweetie. We have a big day tomorrow." D/N walked to her room slowly while Y/N followed behind her. However, he heard his phone ring. He walked over to his phone and read the contact name.


Le Timeskip

No One's POV

"You wanted to see D/N again? You could have just waited when we go to the beach." Y/N spoke as the view of the beach was on their left.

"I know, but I missed this sweet girl right here!" Mami booped D/N nose, causing her to laugh.

"Alright." Y/N shook his head as he drove on. "What about Kazuya?"

"We're good now, though I said some mean things the other day." She said.

"Sounds like you," Y/N started. "Well, at least apologize for me, okay?" "I will."

Le Timeskip


"Sweetie! I need to put some sunscreen on you first!" I yelled to my daughter. She quickly got out of the water and ran towards me.

"I'm here." I put some sunscreen on her hands and rubbed it around her arms, back, chest, and legs.

"Almost done." I put a tiny drop on my fingers and rubbed it around her face. "Alright, go have fun now! Don't go deep! Don't go too far without telling me!"

"I will, daddy!" She yelled back before walking into the water. I smile at the sight of my daughter enjoying the water.

"Aww! Her bathing suit is so cute!" Mami said.

"I picked it last night. Same for my swimsuit." I replied.

"I didn't expect you to be so in fit, Y/N." She said, tracing her fingers around my abs.

"Thanks, I guess." I gently moved her hand away from my chest. "That's enough fun for you." I teased.

"Aww, you're no fun." I shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah." I closed my eyes and laid back in my chair.

Le Timeskip

"How's the beach so far, princess?"

"It's fun, Dad!" I smiled.

"Glad you're having fun, sweetie. Just remember to take a break and to drink a lot of water. I don't want my daughter to pass out of dehydration." I said.

"Don't worry! I will!"

"That's my girl," I said as we both walked into the store. "Sweetie? Do you need to use the restroom? If so, go now."

"I'll go!" I let go of my daughter's hand and led her to the bathroom. I opened the door for her and closed it.

"Sweetie, if you need my help, let me know, okay?"

"Okay!" I moved away from the door and got on my phone in the meantime. I heard the doors of the convenience store open. I turn in that direction to see a familiar person.

"Huh? Y-Y/N?" I smiled at her reaction.

"In the flesh. I'm surprised you're here."

"I got forced into coming along." She explained.

"Ah, I see. We got invited by some friends, so I decided to bring D/N. She's in the bathroom."

"D-Did you come with Kazuya and them?" She asked.

"Yeah, I di- Oh no, don't tell me. You ran into him, didn't you?" I mentally facepalmed.

"Y-Yeah..." Shit.

"Daddy? Who are you talking to?" D/N asked as she noticed Chizuru in front of me in her disguise.

"Miss Chi-"


"R-Right, hi Miss Ichinose!" She said happily.

"Hello, D/N. Thank you for keeping it quiet." She thanked D/N and looked back up at me. Her glance slowly lowered to my chest.

"R-Right! Anyways, D/N and I were getting some food for the group."

"I see. I'm going to go ahead and get changed. I think my friends are waiting for me."

"Sure! Go ahead. It was nice seeing you again. I'll see you around, maybe?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah! I would love to. Bye now!" She went into the bathroom while D/N and I left the store.

Le Timeskip

The rest of the day went by smoothly. D/N and I spent some time together in the water with everyone. I spent some time with Mami and D/N swimming around the rocks. Meanwhile, my mind wondered about Chizuru and Mami. Both girls are wonderful for D/N to grow up, but who would I choose? Chizuru or Mami? Chizuru is an intelligent and beautiful girl. Mami can be mean, but she only speaks with honesty, and she's a cute girl too. They both like D/N a lot, but just who do I choose? Or maybe, we both can choose.

"Dad? Your phone is dinging again." My daughter said as she handed me my phone.

"Thanks, sweetie." I put my phone in my hand as I drove to the hotel where everyone is staying. I read the text and smiled to myself. "D/N, can you stay with Mami after we change? Mami wants to talk about you about girl things again."

"Sure! Can I watch TV with her too?" She asked.

"Sure, sweetie. Not too long, though."


Beach day was fun. If you've seen the anime, you know where this is going.


Thinking: Rent-A-Girlfriend x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now