Chapter 4

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The message. From who?



No One's POV

Y/N changed his shirt and shorts after a nice shower. Washing all of the salt and sand from the ocean was needed after the beach. As he fixed his hair, D/N was in her world talking with Mami. "Where are you going?"

"On a ferry ride with a friend. I bumped into her today, and we decided to catch up a bit. I won't be gone for long." He replied.

"Well, alright. I'll watch over D/N."

"Thank you for watching her. I owe you one."

"I wouldn't mind a date." She replied.

"Sure- Wait, what?!" Y/N yelled. Mami only giggled at his reaction.

"I'm kidding. You don't have to give me anything."

"I insist. Here." Y/N gave her a bit of money.

"You don't have to. I don't mind babysitting D/N."

"Well, alright then. I'm off now. D/N, be good for Daddy, okay?"

"I will! Bye!" His daughter waved as he left the room.

Le Timeskip

No One's POV

"I have the tickets. Here's yours." Y/N handed the second ticket to Chizuru. She took it in her hand walked towards the ferry with Y/N beside her. They gave their tickets and got on the boat for their ferry ride.

Le Mini Timeskip

"So, you wanted to talk about something?" Y/N asked, breaking the silence between the two.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk about what you said a few weeks ago. When we first met, about what I do. At first, I didn't tell you because I didn't know you, but after a few weeks, I think I should reasonably tell you."

"Sure. Take your time. I'm listening." He said. Chizuru relaxed at his words and stared out into the sunset.

"Actress. That's what I want to be."

"Actress, huh?" He said. He looked at Chizuru and noticed she was blushing madly. "You alright?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm feeling a bit warm right now. Could I get some space for a minute, please?"

"Sure. I'll check on you. I'll be on the balcony. Take your time now." I help her sit down and give her a bottle of water. Y/N left and walked to the balcony to admire the sunset.

"Actress. Acting is a solid but rewarding and fun career choice. People dream of becoming actors to become Hollywood stars, but the path is not for everybody. Hm." Y/N felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Y/N takes out his phone and answers the call. "Hi, grandma. How are you doing?"

"Good. The hospital's been treating me well. I'll be able to leave soon."

"Really? That's wonderful news." He said.

"How's D/N? Is she doing alright with you?"

"Yep. I've been raising her, and she's doing good in school. She's a good girl. I love that little munchkin like no tomorrow." He replied.

"Aww, my grandson's all grown up." His grandma teased. "Have you find yourself a nice girlfriend yet?"

"Girlfriend? Not yet. Stable job and income first. Then I'll look for someone." I replied.

"I see. Find a nice girl, Y/N. Promise me you can do that?"

"I will, grandma." He said. Before Y/N could say anything else, he heard a commotion from the people inside the ferry.

"Someone fell! Passenger overboard! A college girl with brown hair!" Y/N's eyes widened, realizing how it was. He threw his phone on the ground, took off his shirt, and jumped into the water.


These waters are deep. I can still see her, but barely. I kept diving and swimming until I reached for her arm. I got her! I still have a few minutes before I need air. I focused on holding my breath and strength as I swam up to the surface. I held Chizuru close to my body as I swam. I need to save her if it's the last thing I do. Keep going, Y/N! Keep swimming! I was getting close to the top, slowly but surely.

No One's POV

Y/N kept swimming with all of this remaining breath. He only had a few more seconds before he would need. 'Almost there!' Slowly, Y/N vision began to decrease, but he still kept pushing. He pushed his head out of the water and took a large breath. 'I made it.' Y/N quickly swam to land and gently placed Chizuru down before passing out.

Le Mini Timeskip

"Where am I?..." Chizuru coughed heavily, gasping for air. "I fell off the ferry... Right." She looked behind her and saw Y/N on the ground, unconscious. Her eyes widened as she remembered everything that just happened.

"Mizuhara!" The voice of Y/N echoed in her mind. She quickly rushed to his side.

"You jumped in to save me, even knowing you won't be able to see D/N? W-Why? Wake up. P-Please wake up!" Chizuru switched to CPR and pumped Y/N's chest. "C'mon! Wake up!" Conversations she had with Y/N and D/N replied in her mind as she kept pumping.

"Thank you for making my daughter smile brightly today."

"Thank you. My daughter likes you a lot. She secretly told me you're a beautiful girl with a wonderful smile. I have to agree with her on that, despite it being an act."

"Thank you for coming with us, Chizuru!"

Chizuru had no choice but to switch from mouth to mouth. She leaned in slowly to Y/N's lips. She slowly lowered her lips onto his. Y/N eyes shot open and coughed violently, breathing in the air whenever he could.

"S-Shit." Y/N cursed as he caught his breath. He quickly looked around and noticed Chizuru in front of him. "Y-You're safe. I made it just in time. Thank you for saving me." Tears slowly fell from her eyes. She launched herself onto Y/N and wrapped her arms around his chest.

"I-Idiot... Why did you put your life on the line like that? I thought I lost you. I thought I killed you because of me..." She whispered. Y/N only smiled in defeat as he held her closer.

"I had to save you. I've grown to care about you. I'm not letting you die on me. I couldn't bear to see D/N devastated. It would break my heart." Y/N replied. "She loves you. Thank you." Chizuru smiled to herself, knowing she finally found the one thing she's wanted for so long. Someone to care about her. Someone to love.

Now that's a finisher, right?


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