Chapter 7

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Well, now you have a girlfriend. Not a rental girlfriend but an actual girlfriend. Let's see how you handle it with D/N.




A few days passed since our little moment. I told D/N the news, and she cried with happiness. Both Chizuru and I are happy that D/N approves of us dating. Chizuru and I talked about her work and how she's planning on leaving the agency to spend more time with us more. I was hesitant at first, but with some convincing from her, I decided to allow it. However, I do still plan on helping her on becoming an aspiring actress.

"Daddy? Can Mom come over today?" My daughter walked up to me with her teddy bear in her arms.


"Yeah! Can I call Miss Chizuru mom now?" She asked me innocently. I only sighed but soon smiled.

"Not yet, sweetie. Later on, then you can call her mom. But to answer your question, Miss Chizuru has some work and school at the moment. I'll let her know you want her to come over soon, okay?" I said.

"Aww! Okay, dad. I hope she can come over soon." She said as she walked off to do who knows what.

"Me and you both, sweetie. Me and you both." I said as I went back to work.

Le Timeskip

"Sweetie! I'm going to the store for dinner! I'll be back in 15 minutes! Don't open the door to anyone unless Daddy knows them!"

"Okay! Bye Daddy!" My daughter replied. I grab my keys and walk out of my house. I decided to walk to the store since it was only 10 minutes away. It shouldn't be too long, right? As I walked through the city, an image of Chizuru and D/N laughing together left a smile on my face. "Thank you." My thought went away as I felt someone bump into me. I quickly recovered and offered a hand to the girl that fell. "Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. I should have seen where I was going. Let me help you." I offered her a hand which she hesitantly took.

"T-Thank you. I'm sorry for bumping into you like that. I'm sort of in a rush."

"It's alright. Here, I'll get your phone for you." I picked up her pink phone and handed it to her. "Here you go. Y/N is the name. May I know yours?"

"R-Ruka Sarashina."

"Y/N L/N. Well, I'll be off now. Have a good one." I said as I walked around her.

"Y-You too!" She said before running off.

"Well, that was interesting," I said to myself as I continued my walk to the store.

Le Timeskip

"Sweetie! I'm home!" I called out to my daughter.

"Hi, Y/N." Her sweet voice came from my left. I turn to my left to see Chizuru with D/N.

"Hello! I went to the store to get some groceries. I didn't expect a visit from my girlfriend." I said. Chizuru giggled softly and smiled soon after.

"I figured I would stop by. I finished up with everything, so I thought, why not."

"Fair enough. Dinner? I'll cook." I offered.

"You can cook?" She asked, shocked.

"When you have a daughter with you, you have to learn yourself. Feel free to spend time with D/N. I'll let you know when it's ready, okay?"

"Sure. I'll keep D/N busy. I think she's in her world reading her book right now."

Le Timeskip

"Dinner's ready!" I yelled out as I placed the last bowl of ramen. I walk up to my daughter's room and knock gently on the door. I opened the door slowly and peeked in to see the two of them drawing. "Am I interrupting something?" I teased.

"Shh!" I flinched slightly as my daughter and girlfriend shushed me.

"I-I was going to say dinner's ready," I spoke as I chuckled. "SHH!"

"Okay, okay. I'll leave you both alone." I closed the door and let them do their own thing. "Hm. What to do. Ah! I got it." I got on my phone and started to watch some anime. "Time to listen to the opening 100 times!"

Minutes Later

"Y/N, we are about to start eating- Uh, Y/N?"

"Ba-ba-ri-as-ras-ti-ti-ti-ras-ti-ti. Rastis! Rastis! Ra-ti-ti-la! Huh?! Who's calling?! Oh, sorry. I decided to watch some anime, and, well, the opening came up." I said as I rubbed my nape in embarrassment.

A/N: If you don't know what anime opening Y/N is singing, then I'm done with life.

"You're so childish." Chizuru giggled.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's eat. All of that singing got me hungry."

Le Timeskip

No One's POV

After yesterday, Y/N was slightly tired. "Hm. What do to today?" Y/N said out loud to no one in particular. He heard his phone ring next to his side. He picked up his phone and saw it was a notification from Kazuya. He read the message. "Eh? Did he get a girlfriend? That's something." He said. He looked at his phone as Kazuya kept typing. The message appeared, so Y/N decided to read it. "Double date?"

That should be fun.


Thinking: Rent-A-Girlfriend x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now