Chapter 9

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And thus, the double date begins. Good luck, gents. Also, congratulate me, I finally updated. Anyways!



No One's POV

Introductions were out of the way, the date could finally start. Y/N and Chiruzu both enter the respective locker rooms to change. Kazuya soon follows him right after trying to change. "So, how'd you meet her?" Y/N starts. 

"O-Oh! We kinda started talking after we were... uh... walking! Yeah..." Kazuya didn't through this, and Y/N knows it. 

"Uh-huh..." Y/N replied, changing into his compression shirt first. "What do you like about her?" He asked next. He took off his jeans and put on some dry-fit shorts that go just above his knee.

"W-Well, she's pretty and nice..." If it wasn't already obvious, folks, Ruka is a rental girlfriend. Y/N only shakes his head as he closes his locker. 

"Alright, I'll just be straightforward here." Kazuya starts to get a bit nervous. Evidently so, by starting to visibly sweat. How the hell do you sweat that fast? "Is she a rental girlfriend? Yes or no." 


I only look at Kazuya with a straight face. 

"No... Yeah, yeah." Kazuya admits defeat so easily. How the hell did get even get a girlfriend in the first place? I can only sigh and of course, facepalm. 

"Christ dude. What are you planning now..." 

"N-Nothing! I-I swear!" He replies, shaking his hands and head simultaneously. I only sigh. 

"I sure hope so. Otherwise, I will call you out on your bullshit to her." I replied. Kazuya knows I don't play and he knows I can easily put him in place. "Well, since it is a double date, let's just do our best and enjoy ourselves," I said. 

"Wait! Chizuru is a rental girlfriend too! Why am I getting berated?!" Kazuya counters. 

"You're not wrong. However, there's also another detail I forgot to add." I said while looking over at him. "She's my girlfriend. My real girlfriend." Kazuya's mouth drops to the floor. I walk past him and pat his back. "You'll get one one day bud. Be patient." Well, if he isn't an pussy his entire life... Moving forward, Kazuya and I walked out of our locker room just in time to see Chiruzu and Ruka ready to go. 

"Shall we start, ladies?" I suggested. They both nodded. "I'll lead the way." Chizuru walked up over to me to my side. I glance over my shoulder and see Ruka copy Chizuru's move. And Kazuya... well... probably thinking of perverted thoughts. Well arrive at the rock wall and set our things down. "Have you guys done this before?" I asked. 

"N-No, I haven't. It does seem fun though." Ruka said in an optimistic tone. Chiruzu nods alongside her. 

"I agree too. It looks fun! Have you done this before?" Chiruzu asked me. I nod. 

"I have. My mother used to take me to places like this when I was younger. I think the first time I even tried it was when I went to a classmate's party in grade school." I said. Kazuya looks over at me. 

"Didn't we have that class together?" He asked. 

"Uh, probably? I can hardly remember anything. Anyways, I'll demonstrate for everyone." Time to be a showoff. I walk over to the wall and determine it's not as high as I thought it would be. Only about 3 meters. "Pretty much, you start with one foot at the start." I put my foot on the start rock. "And from there, you try to find other rocks that you can use to step up and gain some levitation, and well, start climbing to the top." I stepped on the rock that was closest to my left foot. I looked up and saw a path I could take to reach the top efficiently. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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