Chapter 5

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Something sparked in you. The question is: what was it?




After saving Chizuru, it went downhill for me. I got yelled at by the Coast Guard for disobeying the rules and jumping recklessly. I sincerely apologized for my actions several times before being dropped off with an ambulance ready for us. I noticed everyone wasn't too happy with us. Not to mention, my daughter was crying her eyes. Mami was there trying to comfort D/N. I quickly ran to my daughter and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay, princess. Dad isn't leaving any time soon." I spoke. D/N held onto me tightly, refusing to let go. Meanwhile, Chizuru stood near the ambulance to get checked up. "Sweetie, I believe we both owe a thank you to someone." I walked up to Chizuru with D/N in my hands.

"Thank you for saving me. This little one isn't letting go anytime soon. I'm glad you're alright."

"No, I should be the one to thank you. You did all of that to save me, knowing you're risking your life." Chizuru leaned and kissed me on the cheek. I only smiled and blushed lightly.

"Take it easy now. I'll see you back at college. I need to head back." I said as I walked back towards my group of friends.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Do you need something?" Mami was the first to approach me. She touched me all over my face and chest. I chuckled at her reaction.

"I'm alright. Thank you for comforting D/N." I turn to everyone else. "I'm sorry I worried you all. I admit it was reckless of me. I hope you all can forgive me."

"It's okay, Y/N. We're glad you're safe." Yoshiaki was the first to speak. Everyone else nodded with him.

"Thank you. I don't know how to thank you all. Let's head back. I need to make sure D/N is alright."

Le Timeskip

Few weeks have passed since our trip, but not much has happened since then. Everything returned to normal pretty quickly. Chizuru and I still talk and hang out. D/N recovered after that traumatic day. Meanwhile, it was hard to forget the talk we had. I was brought out of my train of thought by my phone ringing in my daughter's hand.

"Daddy, Grandma's calling you."

"Thank you, sweetie. I'll tell Grandma you said hi. Go play with your friends." I answered the call and held it close to my ear.

"Hi, Grandma." I didn't hear a reply from her. "Grandma?"


"S-Sorry, grandma..." I mumbled.

"It's alright, but your mom and I decided to bring you and D/N to a place in the mountains."

"Sure. I'll pack our things. Are we all going together in one car?" I asked.

"If you don't mind." "Sure. I'll drive."

Le Timeskip

No One's POV

The L/N family drove through the mountains with Y/N driving. He didn't mind since it was his favorite thing to do. While his grandma and mom were talking, his grandma brought up someone else.

"Oh! I forgot to mention! Someone else will be there with us! Ichinose! A good friend of mine." Y/N recognized the last name and immediately blushed.

"EH?!" He yelled.

"What's wrong? You don't happen to know her, do you?" Y/N only chuckled nervously.

"N-No. The last name sounds familiar." He spoke. He regained his composure and kept driving.

Le Timeskip

"Woah! This place is nice!" Y/N said.

"Yeah! Let's go, daddy!" His daughter grabbed her hand and dragged him inside.

"Sweetie, I still have to help with our luggage. Mom! Can you watch D/N? I'll get our luggage!"

"Sure! Come D/N. Let your father handle that. Why don't we explore?"

"Okay!" Mrs. L/N and D/N walked away to explore, leaving only Y/N and his grandmother.

"I got it." Y/N got all of their luggage and carried it inside.

"My goodness. My young boy is now a man, isn't he?"

"Ah, it's nothing, grandma. Where do you want your things?"

"Leave them with me, sweetheart. I'll carry it back with me when we go to our rooms. I wonder if our friend is here yet." Y/N put their luggage down, leaving on his and his daughter's. "There she is! Sayutaso!"

"G/N!" Sayutaso walked up to Y/N and his grandmother. "Oh my, who's this handsome young man?"

"This is my grandson, Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you. College student."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Well! Back to what we talked about, Ichinose will be here to celebrate with us for our discharge."

"Sure. Grandma? You mind if I go to our room to put this bag down?" Y/N asked.

"I'll get your key for you!"

Le Mini Timeskip

G/N handed her son the key to his room. He took the key and went inside the elevator to head to his room. Unknown to him, this was a setup by both grandmothers. "He has no idea. You think she'll mind it?"

"I don't believe so! She's always talked to me about him! I think this will end well for the two of them."


I arrived at my room after a ride on the elevator. I grabbed the key and put it in the keyhole, but I noticed the room already opened. "Eh?" I went inside and looked around. "Was someone here before me?" I set my bag down and look around the room. "This room is nice, I will say." I turn to my left as I heard the doorknob move.

"Grandma? Can you help me with my hair?" The voice was all too familiar. "Y/N?"

"C-Chizuru?" My eyes went down to her chest. I quickly averted my gaze and turned around.

"W-What are you doing here?" She asked curiously. Her face was flustered, and her blush increased by the second.

"I-I think your grandma and mine set this up. I-I came up to set my bag down."

"I s-see. I-Is D/N here?" She asked.

"Yeah. D/N is here with me. I'm so sorry. I didn't this would have happened whatsoever. I-I'll get another room if you would like."

"N-No! It's a-alright. I-I don't mind." She stuttered. I admit, her stuttering is adorable.

"If you insist. By the way, that kimono looks wonderful on you."

"T-Thank you. Well, since you're here, why don't we talk a bit?" She suggested.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind. I'm sure D/N is off somewhere with my mom."

Well, that was unexpected. It'll be fun still, right?


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