Chapter 1

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Sometimes a day in college life is needed. Especially after loads of work with computers and screen, gives you a headache. A day off is the goal for today.




"Bye, sweetie! Have a good day at school! Love you!" I waved at my daughter as she lined up with her classmates.

"Bye, Daddy! I love you too!" She yelled back before walking into the building. I drove out of the loop and proceeded to head to campus. Today, I planned to attend a few classes and take the day off. No distractions. Just myself. After a small drive, I parked my car and turned off the engine. I grab my bag, wallet, keys, and keycard and walk towards the building. I stared up at the sky as I admired the clouds with their distinct patterns. However, I brought out my trance when I heard someone running up to me.

"Y/N!" I turn around to see Kazuya running towards me. I stopped walking, allowing him to catch up with me. "Finally caught up. I was calling you, but you weren't answering." He said out of breath.

"Oh. Sorry about that. I was thinking about some things. How'd the date go yesterday with that girl?"

"It was all an act! My heart's never so toyed in my life." He complained as he keeps telling me about that date. I only sighed at his defeat.

"You should've checked before getting the app out of desperation. Seriously, even I knew this was a bad idea!" I replied. "Look, you have to keep in mind that that's a business thing. They follow the rules of the job. There's nothing you can do. Besides, there's plenty of fish in the sea. You'll find someone." I said as I patted his back.

"Your right... I'm still going to rent to her, but this time, I'm going to say something about it." I sigh.

"Well, I can't stop you." I sighed as we both head to our class.

Le Timeskip

After attending my major classes, I decided to pack up and head home early for today. The professor seemed to have approved my work from last night, so I'm clear for the next few days. Until then, I decided to do something I thought I would never do. And that is, to follow Kazuya. As much I like him as a friend, this whole exposing thing is just simply wrong. First, I need to pick D/N before I follow him.

Le Timeskip

No One's POV

As Y/N arrived at his daughter's school, D/N was talking with her friends. Her teacher noticed her father and called her name. Y/N stepped out of the car and walked towards his daughter.

"Hi, Dad!"

"Hey, there! How was school?" He asked.

"It was good. My teacher said I did well on my homework!" D/N ran to her father's arms. Y/N smiled.

"That's great, sweetie! I got off school early, so I decided we can go to the aquarium today!"

"Really?!" His daughter asked excitedly.

"Yep! Let's get going!"

Le Timeskip

Y/N and his daughter arrived at the aquarium after a few minutes of driving. Y/N quickly looked around and the area and spotted Kazuya with his rental girlfriend. "So that's her, huh? Noted." Y/N said to himself. Y/N paid for the tickets and went into the aquarium. As D/N admired the fish in their tanks, Y/N kept an eye on Kazuya and the girl.


"This girl is good. She's playing her role exactly how you imagine it." I spoke to myself as D/N led me to the next exhibit. We were pretty close to Kazuya and her, making it easier for me to hear.

Thinking: Rent-A-Girlfriend x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now