Chapter 3

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With Time 3

The party went to be a success. Everybody enjoyed themselves especially Elena and William. Feeling accomplished Miranda sat on her parents' porch swing winding down. Feeling the swing move next to her, she felt her daughter's head fall on her shoulder.

"I like It here." She whispered into the night. Looking at her daughter Miranda sighed responding with a Me too. Silence passed and they sat and took in the night sky. Very few people were here,  just Callie and Ben were still inside cleaning up the aftermath of the party.

"Does he know?" Brielle asked.

"Does who know what baby?" Miranda responded

"Does Ben know he's my dad?" She said moving her mom's arm to be around her shoulders. Laying on her mom's chest she could hear the increase in her heart rate.

"I knew as soon as I seen his eyes. It wasn't hard to tell from the way you were frozen in time when I came down the stairs. Did he know about me before you moved to California?" She continued. After getting a No from her mother, she sighed.

"Good because I'd hate to not like him. He's a cool person. It makes me feel a little better about not having a dad all those years to know that he didn't know. It would've been worse if he just abandoned me. At least he's not a dead beat." Miranda heard.

"How do you feel about it Bri? I know you have questions." Miranda finally spoke up.

" I mean I'm glad he's around now. Maybe we can stay for an extra day so I Can get to know him. You told me a lot about him but I'm sure there are things he'd want me to know that you didn't tell me about. I'm not mad or anything. The move was circumstantial, I know you did it to try and make things better. I'm just glad to have a dad. I'll be happy to get to know him." Brielle responded

"Well, BaiBai I'm gonna get going now. I need to get home to Arizona and Sofia. It's past my bedtime." Callie said walking out the front door to the porch purse in hand.

"Well, thanks for the help. Let me know you made it home." Callie heard as she walked to her car that was parked on the street.

Heading the front door open and shut again Miranda looked over to Ben. Putting on his jacket he stared at his daughter nervous. Miranda tapped Brielle who was in her own world. Looking over to the man, Brielle got up and hugged him.

" I'm glad we came so I could meet you, dad." She said into his chest

Taking in this moment was emotional for Ben. He couldn't even focus on how she found or who told her but he was just happy to have his daughter in his arms. Tears hitting Brielle's head and Miranda looking at them from the side.

"Dude, you're gonna squeeze me to death. Fragile teen bones here." Brielle spoke up causing the hug to break up.

"Listen I don't know what you know but I'd love to sit down and talk to you. Get to know you, tell you anything you want to know about me. I'd just like to have a conversation with you before you go back to California. I missed a lot of your life and I honestly don't want to miss another second. I'm not sure how good of a dad I'll be but I'll try my best to figure this whole parenting thing out. You can call me Ben and you can call to talk to me anytime. Nothing is more important than giving you whatever you need to feel comfortable with me.  If this is all too much for you at once I understand, we'll go at whatever pace you like." He rambled to the short girl in front of him.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning" Brielle said cutting him off and taking his hand in reassurance with a smile. Looking at a face much like his own Ben smiled back.

"I'll give you my number. Call me and we can go out to breakfast and talk." He said taking off his dad's chain and placing it around the young girl's neck.

"Tomorrow." She said hugging him once more

"Tomorrow" He said back

"Goodnight ladies. Miranda, I'll talk to you tomorrow too." He said walking down the driveway backward. Getting in his car and starting up the engine. He looked into the porches at what just easily became his world.

His daughter.

Brielle Ezra Warren.

He made a mental note about that last name. She was a Warren from this moment forward all of that "Nichols" business was out the window. Backing out and making his way home.

He sent a message to let Miranda know he made it home safely and that he'd be there at 11 am tomorrow. Laying in his bed he stared at the ceiling envisioning endless possibilities with this new chapter of his life.

He was just happy to see tomorrow.

"Brielle is my daughter. Benjamin Ezra Warren you are a father." He said to himself allowing sleep to take over.

See you guys in two days with the next update.

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