Chapter 5

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Walking to the gate Brielle looked back at her dad saddened that she had to leave. They had stayed longer than originally planned but her mom had to return to work.

"I'll be able to visit you next week. I already booked my flight. " He said handing her luggage to her so they could walk to the gate. Brielle nodded and took the bag.

"Bri, our flight is boarding baby." Miranda said looking at the two. Ben hugged her and rubbed her back in comfort.

"I'm gonna miss you Bri. You can call me when you land." He said kissing the top of her head.

Over the last few days they had grown closer and closer. Trying their best to make up for lost time.

"I just wish I could stay in Washington with you Dad. It's only been a week." She cried

Usually saying goodbye wasn't this hard but she had finally met the guy she dreamt about for years and he was everything she needed. She was always grateful for Miranda and the amazing parent she was but a father was something that she always felt she was missing.

" I know Brielle. I'll be just a phone call away and you'll be back in my arms before you know it. Now go ahead because your mom is waiting on you. Call me when you get home and we can plan my visit." He said pushing back from her.

Miranda held her arms open to embrace Brielle as she waved back to Ben. Walking to the plane and boarding Miranda looked at her Pouting daughter.

"I'm so sorry Brielle." Miranda said exhaling a shaky breath. Seeing the pain her baby was in made her heartache. She was now thinking that leaving all of those years ago was the wrong move to make. It was her fault that Ben and Brielle missed out on so many years together.

"I'm not upset with you mom. I just really felt like I was finally complete with the both of you. You're a great mom like I couldn't ask for a better mom. He just completed the puzzle for me. He gave me something you didn't. He's known me a few days and I'm already a daddy's girl. I don't know, I just wasn't ready to give all that up." Brielle said putting her hood on to try and prepare for the flight.

Miranda decided she'd just leave it alone and let her process her emotions before she tried to discuss it any further. Before she knew it they were home and unpacking. She still hadn't gotten Brielle to talk. A phone call from Ben bought her from the thoughts in her mind.

"Benjamin." She said answering the phone.

"Wow, full name. What did I do?" He said on the other side of the phone.

"Nothing. Did you need something?" She answered

"Yeah, actually I was calling about Bri. She hadn't called me yet to say you guys landed. I was just wondering what was up." He said walking into his kitchen.

"She's in a funk about leaving Seattle or should I say leaving you. She's just upset because she was enjoying spending time with you." She explained

"I was enjoying spending time with her too. I was thinking about that. I put in some fillers for jobs out there, I think I should go ahead and make the move. 15 years is long enough for us to be apart from each other. I wouldn't ask you guys to move because I'm sure you've created a life there but all I have here is a job and a few friends. My mom will be fine without me, she's got, Lionel."  He said pulling up a menu online for takeout. He seemed to never have groceries.

"Well I'm sure Bri would love it but what if I wanted to move back to Washington? I mean I'm sure my parents would love to have us back in town permanently." Miranda said

"I think it should be up to Brielle. If we're both willing to make the move then she'd be the tiebreaker. Does she want to stay in California or come to Seattle?" Ben said putting in an online order

"Well, we can talk to her about it when she starts talking to me again."

"She won't talk? Our 15-year-old is giving us the silent treatment because she had to go home."  Ben said with a chuckle

"Yes, she is. She's gotten attached to you very quickly so I think she'll want to move. I'll see what strings I can pull to get a job in Seattle. It'll be nice to have everyone in the same spot. You and Brielle can be closer. My parents and I can be closer to each other." She rambled

"You and I...we could be closer." Ben interrupted

"Benjamin Ezra Warren... you and I. Our ship has sailed and sunk." She responded with a laugh.

"Has it sunk or was it docked?" He countered

"You mean to tell me after all these years you're still interested in me, romantically?" She asked with a grin

"Miranda, you're still the one for me. You know that and I know that. Nothing we can do about our destiny. Let's not play games. So whoever you're with or entertaining, tell them it's over because you're with me now." He said in confidence

"Are you asking me or telling me?" She responded with excitement. She tried her best to hide it but he heard it.

"I'm asking you not to play hard to get or act like you're not in love with me. I'm telling you, you're my woman. " He responded licking his lips in satisfaction.

"What about Brielle? Shouldn't you focus on your relationship with her?" She asked in concern.

"Miranda I'm a very intelligent man with an amazing ability of multitasking. I can handle my family. Being a good man and father, it's what I've waited for. Especially with you." He expressed

"With me?" She asked feeling excited about the new chapter she was about to start.

"With you and with my baby girl. It's the three of us until the end." He said

"Until the end Mr.Warren." She said smiling over the phone

Suddenly getting back to Seattle had never seemed so important.

I kept my promise guy, two chapters in one day. Thanks for all of the support. See you in two days with the next chapter.

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