Chapter 14

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Ben and Miranda sat in the car in silence. They sat in the parking of the hospital and she was waiting for him to speak because she was speechless.
Their doctor appointment didn't go as planned and they got some unexpected news. Thinking back on the moment she shuddered.

In the exam room, Ben sat in the chair and looked at Miranda who was on the table draped waiting for her doctor to come in. They decided to get checked out to see what was keeping them from conceiving. The doctor came in and looked at Miranda's chart, introducing herself and getting started. She did the exam and then went over the examination with them.

"So I won't beat around the bush here, I at the moment see no reason why you're having problems conceiving. Your reproductive system is very healthy, If I had to tell you the truth, it looks 10 years younger than the average uterus in a woman your age. I know you're a doctor so you understand ovulation and everything. The best thing I can do is go through a stress test for you, a change in diet, and hormone therapy. It'll definitely increase your chances of conception. Maybe cut down on work just to give your body some rest, it may be overwhelming with your workload and all the sex you're having, your body may be tired. Just take a break from whatever you can and then let your body rejuvenate itself, Then I'd start trying again." The specialist said to her

"Okay so there's nothing wrong with me and I can still have kids..." Miranda said in relief with tears present.

She was so worried about her causing problems for them and her being the reason they couldn't expand their family.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you're fine and you're capable. Just like I've been telling you. There's no need for you to worry yourself any further. Now she said to lighten the load, that means I'll be handling everything at home and you need to cut down on work. If this is something we want then we have to make sacrifices for it. Those sacrifices will be worth it once we see that plus sign baby. I promise I'm right here with you, helping you, comforting you, and supporting you." Ben said taking her hands into his and wiping the tears she had shed.
Miranda looked down into her lap both overjoyed and nervous, she was happy that she could still get pregnant but nervous that the changes she'd make wouldn't be enough.

"You are capable. Miranda, I've known you all my life and I've never had a doubt in my mind whether or not you could do something. This is no different. Pick your head up and look me in my eyes." He said touching her face and raising her chin.

The brown teary orbs in front of him stared with anticipation.

"I believe in you and I know you can do this. Now let's go home and relax." He said before kissing her forehead and helping her off the examination table. After she got changed from her gown to her clothes, they left the hospital hand in hand. Before Miranda knew it she was home and walking up to her stairs.

"How about a warm bath?" Ben said caressing her cheek, getting a nod from her, he went ahead and prepared her water.

Calling her when it was done, he helped her undress and led her down into the water. He had her favorite candle burning and made sure to dim the lights.

"I want you to stay in here and relax. I'm going to go do some work and I'll be in the bedroom. Dinner will be ready when you get out. Take a breath and enjoy your silence." He said leaving her with a simple kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Ben" Miranda whispered speaking for the first time since the appointment.

"I'd do anything for you baby. I'm here to take care of you." He said walking out of the bathroom leaving her to herself.

There Miranda sat with tired muscles, a tense body, and a painful headache. She was slowly winding down and she was feeling better the longer she sat in the water.

"Take this time and prepare your body for this change. Lower your stress, stop overworking yourself at the hospital Miranda. It's time to worry about you and your family. The rest can wait." She spoke aloud trying to convince herself that it was possible.

Sooner or later she started to believe it and felt better than she has for the four-month period they had been trying to conceive.

Deciding it was time to get out, she exited the water and dried her skin before moisturizing it and dressing herself in lounge clothes. Walking downstairs seeing Brielle and Ben on the couch looking at photo albums, she smiled.

"Ma, why didn't you tell me dad had a Jerri curl?" Brielle laughed

"Your dad had a teenage midlife crisis. You should ask about the time he dyed his hair blonde." She said giggling looking at the pictures of loved ones.

"Here's the picture I was talking about. See that's me and your mom right here and that's my dad." He said pointing everybody out

"Man I swear if you would've met him you two would be inseparable. You think you and I are just he would have been your best friend. I know he was my best friend, especially when your mom left. He was all I had." Ben said trying the shake the pain that came with conversations about his father.

"You wanna know something funny, You and my father share a birthday. Never met the man and you share so many things in common with him." Ben said bringing his daughter closer to him.

Moments like this he was glad to have a family with Miranda and Brielle, he needed people to love him back. Having this love around him was more than enough.

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