Chapter 12

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At home, Ben sat with a good friend of his and looked at photos online. Photos of rings, engagement rings of course.

"The only thing is Miranda isn't too flashy. She's not going to want something large because she'll be taking it off a lot to do surgeries so just something nice and sentimental will work. Maybe a silver band like this one and that stone on this one. I like the crossing of this band too." Ben said to Jackson

"So maybe this one, it has the outline, small stone but still extravagant enough to be considered a grand gesture. The band is intricate so that makes it look flashy but not too crazy. It's classy and from what I hear about Miranda she's very  graceful." He said

"It's perfect for her. Who knew ring shopping would be this damn hard? I just hope she says yes." Ben said closing his MacBook and setting it down.

"What reason does she have to turn you down? Maybe if you change that before you propose it'll be a no-brainer and you'll be at the altar in no time." Jackson said turning on the basketball that was just starting.

"I honestly wouldn't know, that woman holds secrets like a damn vault. The national guard can't get me in there. I just got to wait until I see the time is right." Ben said leaning back to watch the game.

Miranda walked into the front door smiling at Jackson and Ben.

"Miranda, good to see you again." Jackson said raising a hand to her

"Nice seeing you too, hey Baby." She said walking past him and to Ben to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey. How's was work?" Ben said taking her bags and putting them away for her.

"Work was work...I can't wait to get off my feet though. How was life in the nest with your brat?" Miranda asked walking to their bedroom. Ben went to follow her and answered.

"She still hates me but she finally spoke to me earlier." He said chuckling and sitting on the bed watching her undress and get ready to shower before relaxing.

"Oh, really what'd she say?" He heard

"She asked for my credit card." He said laying back on the bed.

"That sounds like her. You falling asleep on your company down there?" Miranda asked looking back at him slowly drifting off

"No, just measuring the bed." He said sighing

"Measuring the bed my ass. Go tell Jackson to go home if you're going to bed because I'll be right there next to you as soon as I get out of the shower." Miranda said turning on the shower and trying to relax. Ever since talking to her mother, she had been stressed beyond belief. Worrying about her future with Ben and the mess with Brielle, she just had a lot on her plate and she felt like she had nobody to talk to.

In the shower, she finally felt at peace, the water, and the silence were everything she needed.

"Miranda, I asked what would you like me to cook for dinner tonight?" Ben repeated snapping her from her thoughts. He had come upstairs after seeing Jackson out to see what she had a taste for but other things caught her attention.

Looking back at him through the glass shower door, concerned eyes met hers once he saw her tears.

"Miranda, what's wrong?" He said opening the shower door. He didn't care about getting wet, he was worried about his soon-to-be wife.

"Miranda please say something because you're scaring me." Ben said wiping her face.

"I'm just scared, Ben. Everything is so new and it's so beautiful between us. I don't want it to end. I'm scared something is going to happen and we won't be the same. Life without you seems unimaginable but that's all I can imagine in my mind. You could get hit by a bus or I could drop dead from a brain aneurysm out of nowhere. I feel like we're wasting precious time just sitting around. We need to live, explore, we need to just be us. I lived so many years without you and I don't ever want to go back. I have you and I want it to stay that way." She said grabbing his face caressing it.

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